
I’m such a student with great work in Dresden

I’m such a student with great work in Dresden

The ITB-Dresden GmbH has created an exciting Stellen im Garten- und Landschaftsbau in Angebot! Here you will find all information and the best way to your Bewerbung!

Dresden – We are more than happy to have some Zimmerpflanzen zum Bluhen and darüber hinaus as well as craftsmanship is good, fits perfectly in the Team of ITB-Dresden GmbH.

Gesucht wird in Dresden, Tharandt, Meissen und Umgebung nach tatkräftiger Unterstützung.

These Couples are possible:

We have found all the information about the couples and the simple way.

ITB-Dresden GmbH sucht Gärtner (m/w/d) in garden and landscape construction in Dresden, Tharandt and Meißen

The ITB-Dresden GmbH offers an overview of the team in horticulture and landscape construction.

The ITB-Dresden GmbH offers an overview of the team in horticulture and landscape construction. © TAG24/ Marc Körner

Wer heute in der Großstadt nor a green park or a Wiese vor der Haustür hat, can themselves be glücklich schätzen.

If more people are divorced, their own home in the garden or their own house to buy.

But for the planning and implementation of individual projects, it is more than that owning hobby craftsmanship.

The manager of ITB-Dresden GmbH is a real professional in the Sachen Gartenanlagen and knows all aspects of the secret nature.

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt sucht das Team noch Verstärkung with green Daumen. If you, as a Gärtner (m/w/d), have invested in the Garden and Landscape Construction Deine Berufung, you can apply this Stelle genau zu Dir Passen.

Aim cool: The ITB-Dresden GmbH is based on Gärtner (m/w/d) in dieser Fachrichtung aus. If you also don’t have an image in the right way, this is a real opportunity.

Learn more about the Angebot here.

Erwartet Dich bij der ITB-Dresden GmbH

So create a green oasis directly in front of your own home.

So create a green oasis directly in front of your own home. © TAG24/ Marc Körner

As a Gärtner (m/w/d) in the Garden and Landscape Construction, he spends his entire year with extensive projects.

With modern technical Ausstattung first and most bearbeitste du Außenanlagen such as zB Zäune, Rasenflächen, Mauern, Terraces and eremptest the Baumschnitt.

Working hard is worth the effort. If you have a hand, you have to make a design and come up with a creative creative idea.

Is this description over?
Then we will continue to follow Dinge in Deinem Profil stehen:

  • Berufsabschluss als Gärtner – Garten- und Landschaftsbau or single Berufserfahrung
  • Führerschein Class B
  • Sehr good Deutschkenntnisse

Not with the landscaping, but also with materials, such as stone and mortar from the garden and landscape construction (m/w/d) could be used.

Not with the landscaping, but also with materials, such as stone and mortar from the garden and landscape construction (m/w/d) could be used. © TAG24/ Marc Körner

If you choose a position at ITB-Dresden GmbH, it is best to have a motivated and committed team.

If you have one of the most common problems, you can make a choice yourself and the multiplication for your Deine Aufgaben.

This is the only Vorteile:

  • Stellung von Arbeitskleidung und Werkzeug
  • up to 150.00 Euro/month Child care costs
  • There are financial alternatives for alternative financing
  • 50 Euro Sachbezug/Monat
  • 30 Tage Urlaub
  • Additional information regarding Corporate Benefits (including Travel, Events and Shopping)

For an easy and fast processing experience, you can also read directly about the Online-Formular

Make sure you have a correct display when starting

If nature and craft are busy connecting woolens, an Ausbildung can start at the ITB-Dresden GmbH.

If nature and craft are busy connecting woolens, an Ausbildung can start at the ITB-Dresden GmbH. © TAG24/ Marc Körner

Of Job, of inheritance. The trauma is a young person, the Karriere-steht.

As a Gärtner (m/w/d) in the garden and landscape construction experience in three years Ausbildung a sorrow, which can be seen in two different ways.

If you want to have a freelance career, your right creative activity can be a big challenge at the end of the day.

This acquired knowledge comes from the known knowledge:

  • Vorbereitung, Einrichtung und Abwickeln eine de Baustelle
  • Ausführung von Be- und Entwässerungsmaßnahmen anyway Erdarbeiten
  • Restoration of different construction works and flächen in Außenanlagen wie Mauern, Zäune, Treppen and Wege
  • Bepflanzung von verschiedenen Flächen aswie Pflege der Grünanlagen

All further information about the Ausbildung can be found here

If your Bewerbung is absent as soon as possible, you cannot use our online form.

Jetzt directly online

The Bewerbung on either Angebote is grateful that our online forms are lighter.

Contact a contact and click a click “JETZT EDIT” absent.

Wisty: Danach erhältst Du eine E-Mail von uns, die noch bestätigt alles bemuss.

It can be expanded. The Team der ITB-Dresden GmbH I had to report myself bald to Dir.

Wir drücken die Daumen 😉

Nor Fragen?

© TAG24/Marc Körner

ITB-Dresden GmbH

(ITB = Immobilienbetreuungs-, Tourismus- und Beherbergungsgesellschaft)

Meißner Straße 183
01445 Rade executioner

Please contact:

Tel.: 0351/8895733
Email: [email protected]