
“Who Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart”: “Tatort” Frankfurt: Auch Janneke and Brix pass the Happy End

“Who Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart”: “Tatort” Frankfurt: Auch Janneke and Brix pass the Happy End

With the Ausscheiden von Janneke und Brix verliert der “Tatort” zwei seiner Publikumslieblinge. In the autumn finale “Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh’n” the Duo stirs on tragic Weise – their future will remain alive. Solche Ausgänge since im Sonntagskrimi keine Seltenheit.

Der Frankfurter “Tatort: ​​​​Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh’n” (29.09., das Erste) has not found a single psychiatric psychiatrist and a rücksichtlose mafia boss, under the attention of the duo Anna Janneke and Paul Brix. Margarita Broich (64) and Wolfram Koch (62) had their first birthday in 2023, even though they were 19. Einsatz aus dem Sonntagskrimi zurückzuziehen. Umso spannter wurde ihr Serienende erwartet.

And that’s what’s in it: Janneke and Brix solve the autumn and make great discoveries. I have the Augenblick destroy the critical environment area and let both Ermittlers escape in mid-air with a car bomb. The fact was that after a few years they were both on their way to their first Rendezvous. Then Zazie de Paris sings a song as Fanny and a year in “Tatort” while they both Ermittler in Flammen auf die.

An Abschied “who Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart”

A more dramatic Abschied for a Ermittler duo, the “Tatort” Zuschauer with unusual methods desires and inmitten the Frankfurter Stadtdschungels with a portion of Gelassenheit zeigte. “Wir tanzen here raus who Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart”, wrote Brix Janneke noch, before he loosened the bar a bit.

Gemeint since the Schauspieler Bacall (1924-2014) and Bogart (1899-1957), the gangsters of the “Film Noir” in the 1940s were there years ago and a few private traumas. “Janneke and Brix are together with the ‘Tatort’ duos, who are the best at Anhieb in a Großstadtatmosphäre passenger. A carefree Ermittler, who has a Hauch Noir-umgibt,” began Drehbuch author Michael Proehl (48) who Hommage in der Pressemitteilung .

Der Tod prevents the big lies

When Janneke and Brix had their teeth, it became more dramatic with the “Tatort” being excreted – it would be smarter to buy. I plan to explore and enjoy the fall. A privilege, from Julia Grosz alias Franziska Weisz (44) now with us.

The Hamburger Kommissarin hatte in ihrem letzten Film “Was bleibt”, der am Neujahrstag 2024 was said, kaum Ermittlungsarbeit jeistet and a Randfigur played, nur um schließlich von einem Unbekannten in a Gasse erstochen zu be. “Little würdevoll”, lautete das mehrheitliche Urteil der Fans. A community with the Frankfurter Kollegen indicates the following: Auch bei Julia Grosz deuteten sich kurz vor ihrem Tod nach Jahren eine Romanze mit ihrem Kollegen Falke (Wotan Wilke Möhring, 57) en.

Dasselbe Schicksal, after a dramatic showdown at Flughafen, was portrayed by Nina Rubin (Meret Becker, 55). The Berliner Ermittlerin begins 2022 in the episode “Das Mädchen, das allein nach Haus’ geht”, falls in de Armen in de kollegen Robert Karow (Mark Waschke, 52). After all, both of them came to our senses personally.

During Becker’s war since 2019, otherwise go to the figures of Martina Bönisch (Anna Schudt, 50) from Dortmund. You can still enjoy your life in the episode “Liebe mich” (2022) during your school year – with Peter Faber (Jörg Hartmann, 55). In these previous proceedings, both commissioners will continue even longer, and they will get a kiss. Aber auch die Happy End while the Zuschauern verwehrt.

This is another opportunity to see the end of the Dortmunder Ermittlers Jan Pawlak (Rick Okon, 35). There is a great chance to see “Tatort”-Fall “Cash” (2024) and play with a big river, still in Seville, for starters.

More spectacular Tode in Aussicht?

There was no time for the “Tatort” fans, with the dramatic duo of Anna Janneke and Paul Brix in their lairs. In the future you can find more detailed information available. Bereits am 6. Oktober lauft mit “Tatort: ​​​​Trotzdem” van de last Fall van de francische Ermittlerin Paula Ringelhahn (Dagmar Manzel, 66). What about a bigger Knall road?

2025 retired from the Urgesteine ​​​​Miroslav Nemec (70) and Udo Wachtveitl (65), who retired for 35 years as Ermittlerduo Batic and Leitmayr in Munich, after 100 cases of service. In Interviews, both Commissioners have authorized that a single Pensionierung für sie nicht infrage kommt. A more dramatic Tod soll aber auch nicht ihr Ende sein, weil die both Characteristic games, “who live happily”.

Auch Axel Milberg (68) p. 2025 Abschied nehmen. In the description of the autumn “Borowski and the headquarters of the Medusa” it is a Hinweise, that is his character Kommissar Borowski – he was broke – at the Weltreise he could…

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