
French Zitronenpower für deine Gerichte


Manchmal braucht is now a little twist, a classic insight on a new level that you bring. Enjoy your passion with «Barilla Pesto Limone» – a fresh, spritzy version of the other classic recipes. And yes, Pesto can be spiced up more than Pasta!

30.09.2024, 00:0025.09.2024, 08:24

Was steckt dahinter?


Barilla Pesto Limone

Mid September there is a unique food event in Munich.

quelle: barilla

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You know classic pesto: Basil and Parmesan cheese – the Dream Team for your Italian friends. If you take charge, you don’t need to use Zitronenschale and Zitronensaft. Sounds aufregend? It is so! The Zitrone verleiht dem Pesto diese light, summery Frisian, the perfect place for your Occasion is – sogar, wenn draussen Rain statt Sonnenschein hererscht. With your Bissen during the summer and the Italians at the Teller. The Zitrone no longer brings the Basilica to Strahlen and ensures a proper living experience that Sonne in the kitchen desires.

Am Limonaia Urbana in Munich has given Foodies and Influencer the unglazed Vielfalt von Pesto and tested them in a traumhaften Ambiente am Viktualienmarkt. The creations with Pesto Limone, the Abrieb von Zitronen dishes and Zitronensaft for a summery, fresh and creamy texture, have been sorted for Begeisterung at the Besuchern des Events. The combination of aromatic basil and spritzing zitrone provides an unparalleled taste.

Pesto goes next level

Aber Pesto takes longer if there is a pasta dish. Pesto Limone is the best choice, this guy can easily pimp it up! Equally with Dip, Marinade for Grilled Müse or Sogar as Dressing for a tollen Salat – Pesto Limone is super often and over überall, wed du Lust with a fresh Kick hast.

Von der Küche direkt ins Herz: Pesto für jeden Anlass

New? When we discovered the reactions, Food Influencer was inspired and the Pesto probably started to work. The final results are more likely if you think – Verprochen!

Please take the time to test it

Pesto Limone brings a breath of fresh air to the Küche! With the most Zitronen-Twist movements, the Pesto becomes geschmacklich on an Italian summer season. For the best grill party, as a dip or for a sandwich – you want to make it easy, it is easy to integrate quickly. Also ready for the next Level Pesto?