
Circu Li-ion und Amazon wollen gemeinsam die Lebensdauer von Batterien in Logistikprozessen verlängern

Circu Li-ion und Amazon wollen gemeinsam die Lebensdauer von Batterien in Logistikprozessen verlängern

The start-up Circu Li-ion and Amazon have started, the Lebensdauer von Batterien in logistics processes in the future. An automated process drains the batteries and pumps them dry, allowing reuse or recycling. By effectively supplying batteries for electrical appliances, Amazon will reduce and expand the cost of new batteries2-Fußabdruck verringern. Sponsored with Circu Li-ion by the Amazon Sustainability Accelerator program, which funds startups and helps them with know-how.

“Construction of the Amazon Sustainability Accelerator will start, the battery industry will be revolutionary and by 2040 the battery will be worth billions,” said Antoine Welter, CEO and Mitgründer of Circu Li-ion. “There are a number of programs that have been developed that are enabling innovative innovations that will continue in the future with Amazon in such a way that we can have a more positive inflow on the climate.”

During the pilot phase, which will start after September 2024, the Li-ion technology can be released in Germany. In these pilot sheds, Circu Li-ion and Amazon were combined with electric propulsion from Amazon’s Liefernetzwerk with Circu Li-ion technology. A granular recycling was carried out, it was a higher degree of waste processing and a lighter waste treatment. The devices in the Amazon are now no longer available, the beds are now new and getting smaller. Circu Li-ion can be on his Vorbild for other Unternehmen, who are Beispiel in his logistics electric woolen. Aktuell hat das Unternehmen zwei Standorte in Karlsruhe (Germany) and Foetz (Luxembourg).

The sustainability accelerator programs were developed together with Circu Li-ion, with a global international initiative. Light is shed on the program of the components: the program of the networks is a maßgeschneiderten Lehrplan. “These are important programs to improve Amazon’s engagement, innovation and positive changes,” says Justine Mahler, Director of Sustainability at Amazon. “Indem with an innovative and innovative technology that has carried out a real bedingungen test, it is no longer possible to solve a problem, allowing a blaupause for nachhaltiger practice in the joint industry to be used.”

In the year 2022, more than 40 start-ups in the United Kingdom and Europe, more than 1 million, will start with the Amazon Sustainability Accelerator. EUR a credit and credit investment and credit investments, which will increase 700% over time and rise to more than 18.7 million. EUR one-off.