
Inner half of each other, Delhi-Hauses is a perhaps chronic history if there is more than one year of hunger.

Inner half of each other, Delhi-Hauses is a perhaps chronic history if there is more than one year of hunger.

In an individual home in Delhi, there is a cumbersome chronology of the Indian economy, which takes several years to complete.

In the blessing-Blütezeit war Chandni Chowk ein Viertel, das Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht hervorrief.

On the 17th anniversary of Emperor Shah Jahan, he has the Reichstum of the last mighty Mughal Empire and behauptete schnell einen Platz as one of the four generations of four ifs, in these Privilegierten and Einflussreichen in silent Herrenhäusern-wohnten.

It is always possible to go the other way, from Mauern to give the city of Alt-Delhi a different atmosphere and close with a lebhaften street kitchen. The architectural character of the current house is neither evident, but the quality of the housing on Reichenplatz for hotels or other gewerbliche properties, and your früheren-inhabitants is long fortress.

But Ajay Parshed, for 80 years, is an Ausnahme.

Ein Mann von Steter Stärke, Parshed under the Hof van Weitläufigen, 120 zimmerigen previous radiant herrenhauses, quickly of the last surviving among the Relikten der unspünglichen Bewohner von Chandni Chowk, kept for the Splendor of a lost Ära.

“This is the only inhabited Herrenhaus on the historic Chandni Chowk-Straße”, says Parshed, of Chunna Mal absstammt, a Geldverleiher and Geschäftsmann, the Herrenhaus founded in the year 1864, who built the Silberplatte on the Flur des Hauses.

After all, the time has passed since the present day, it is a pleasure to experience the joyful passing of the year. The majority of the Räume des Herrenhauses remain learning and undisturbed, and the Antiquitäten come together with Staub.

Of the 32 Erben von Chunna Mal leben nur noch Parshed en seine Familie von zehn Personen in Haus. If a small treatise takes place, the anwesen will.

“That family can enjoy themselves, even if I am today,” it says. “I’m sorry, all sister-in-law.” Parshed hofft, the Herrenhaus for the area in a hotel where you can stay.

Parshed there are stories about the beauty of the road and there is a clear pool, the light of the mouth in a wash mirror. Name of Chandni Chowk: “Mondlichtes Kreuzung”.

The Mughal Empire, which started in 16 years and became an important part of the Indian subcontinents, before merging and operating in 1857, which was likely to lead to a richer culture and architecture.

In Delhi, the historic buildings of Humayuns Grab, Jama Masjid and the other festivals are celebrated. The beautiful city of Agra was decorated with the Taj Mahal, an architectural masterpiece, the label of the famous visitor and known as one of the world’s wonders.

Chandni Chowk worked on Shah Jahan’s part in the new Hauptstadt, Shahjahanabad – or in Alt-Delhi, as far as his World War was concerned.

Leader would the Abschnitte dieser Straße während des Aufstands von 1857 zerstört, if the Bewohner cheer up the British Herrschaft. The British unleashed the rebellion and abandoned the Mughal rule in Delhi, marking the beginning of the British Raj.

But Herrenhäuser wie van de Chunna Mals Familie blieben unberührt. “Chunna Mal unterstützte die Briten,” Parshed noted, “and that is what Privilegien is.”

Chunna Mal wurde zum zum ersten Bürgermeister von Delhi ernannt.

He represents Parsheds Herrenhaus a Mischiung aus der Pracht van 17. Jahrhunderts und de Veränderungen, die es formen oder in Vergessenheit welden.

Der mondbeschiënene Kreuzung

The seriousness of our inner atmosphere is that the herrenhauses have a strong influence on the atmosphere of the hot Chandni Chowk Road.

The Old Town Road is located on the Tor der Mughal-Era-Roten Festung, where the Indian Prime Minister keeps watch over his flagship hanging guard, and is from 1,400 yards to 17. Jahrhundert-Fatehpuri-Moschee.

Eine Mischung aus Geschäftsleuten, Fahrradrikschas und Einkäufern, die Kleedung, Schmuck und die leckere Straßenküche maufen, bevölkert de Bereich en lockt tagtäglich Tausende von Touristen und Besuchern an.

Für Rameen Khan, Gründer von City storiesDue to the historical events and tours organized by Delhi, the pilgrimage of this street is no more than physical in nature.

“Diese Straße verkörpert über dreiinhalb Jahrhunderte der Geschichte Indiens”, it says. “Ihre Ecken und Winkel bewahren Als Geschichte auf, unnmerkt und ungeschätzt, obwohl si as zeugnis für die Evolution der Vergangheit Indiens serdien.”

Laut Khan designed an octagonal pole, which shines in the light of the mouth, which illuminates the four walls. Names: Chandni Chowk, or “Mondlichte Kreuzung”.

“The problem of the blessing is no longer so great that the street is nach ihm benannt,” says Khan.

Ajay Parshed nimmt Platz im weiträumigen Innenhof seines beautiful, several Raum umfassenden Familienitzes, der as Haveli this can be.

Connecting history and glaube

It is not the complex problem that concerns itself with other matters in these Streifen van Alt-Delhi. More Gotteshäuser coexist in Chandni Chowk: a Jain temple, a Hindu temple, a Moschee, a Sikh Shrine and a Baptist Church.

“That’s if you are happy, healthy, happy, and happy with your support,” Khan notes.

Sheetal Saxena, 23, a local Hausfrau, laughs: “The Tatsache, the dieser Ort jedermann and jeden willkommen heißt, Kracht ihn wirklich representativ für Indische.”

These religious Zentren are a tourist attraction, uninterested in the rot-pink Digambar Jain Lal-Temple, the tief of the Anhängern of the Indian Religion Jainism is revered, the Gewaltlosigkeit and an Ernährung of Knoblauch and Zwiebeln betonen.

I am 17. Years ago, the temple was renovated in 1878 with Rotem Sandstein and the Spitz name “Der Rote Tempel” was founded.

The phase of the Niedergangs of the Mughal Empire is located in an adliger in the army of the army in the 1760s and one of the Shiva temples was built. Whoever Khan partyed, “can see people, other groups can exercise power and do the construction of a temple, so nah ben Mughal-Thron a Zeugnis dafür ist.”

Gegenüber has to leave the Central Baptist Church, which dates back to British colonial times. Laut Khan is said to have left the church in 1857 and used a large amount of water. Travelers who can find such Inscriptions of Gebiten und Befehlen in Urdu on gold-colored Platten im Inneren.

Another relic of the dominant Mughal Empire was found in the Golden Mosque, where Nader Shah, the Persian emperor, plundered northern Delhi in 1793.

In the sequel of a Sikh-Schrein de Ort, one of the ten gurus, the religion dies gründeten, ermordet wurde. The fight against Mughal-Ära is a police watch. After the Mughals lost their power, the Sikhs were placed on the stele in the temple – a Gurudwara – on.

Before Khan served this Gebäude as Erinnerung and the verschiedenen Epochen, the Viertel was erlebt hat.

Go to the road in the Zukunft

Local people write about the young people of the faith of Chandni Chowk about the renovation project of the local government, which is responsible for traffic restrictions, new sandstone roads have been established and more business plans have been established, and a traffic zone has been created.

There are some arguments, but that cannot be the case. Dilip Saxena, a lebenslanger Einheimischer in Ruhestand, said about the Bereich jenseits der Hauptstraße, der von Schmutz, Monsunüberschwemmungen und Gebäude-Bränden geplagt ist. Er is glaubt, dass der Status des Viertels als Wohngebiet lost geht.

“If I pay attention here, I’m going to be 13 Häuser in der Gegend um me Zuhause. Jetzt gibt es nur noch zwei. Die Leute has given his Grundstücke-verkauft and in the concern a new direction and such aussucken”, said Saxena.

One of these concerns is a new shopping centre, located 100 meters from Chandni Chowk entfernt.

“The best is the Sorge, the other charm dies in the Laufe der Zeit-vergessen or could be changed, when the generations are over,” notes Saxena.

“Werden sie bei dem Einkaufszentrum aufhören, or bauen sie vaderehr? Wer weiß?”, fragment there.

Für Ajay Parshed is this Entwicklung essential for tourists, not for the Bewohner des Viertels. “Man can say a lot of words, was he with the medical knowledge for a resident?”

Trotzdem hat Parshed keine Plane, Zuziehen away. “That’s the rich history of my family. I can’t meet my family at all, see them away,” he said.

In the past, the Vergangenheit would be preserved, even if Ajay Parshed, his ancestors refused to sell, that is as a kind of living Zeugnis for the Splendor of Chandni Chowk’s historical Vergangenheit steht. The Herrenhaus, which began operating in 1864, served as an inner lifestyle and the privileged character of those four times a tribute.

Chandni Chowk, renowned for its energy-charged Food Street and its rich cultural history, which is on the laurel wreath of the year Significant changes are happening. We have a luxury townhouse with the Parshed in Zimmern 120, where you can find your hotels and business Grundstücke.

The changes that have been made in the past have been carefully preserved, but Chandni Chowk’s overall history is clear, including stories about the splendor of the road and its rich history with its own parts. Located in the historic Chandni Chowk Street, Sein Herrenhaus is a mistreatment and affection and gives an idea in one of the troubles of hot Delhi.

Visit a street in the old Bezirk Old Delhi, India, on August 6, 2023 and start Rikschafahrern, the break machine.
Individuals travel a few more steps, a religious activity at Shri Digambar Jain Lal-Temple (rot reformed) and at the Hindu Gauri Shankar-Temple (highlighted in orange) in Chandni Chowk teilzunehmen.

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