
View: Nike proposes Zahlen zum jüngsten Quartal vor | 30.09.24

View: Nike proposes Zahlen zum jüngsten Quartal vor | 30.09.24

Nike gewährt einen Blick in die Bücher – was Analysten erwarten.

Nike launched on 01.10.2024 on 31.08.2024.

28 Analysts are aware of a stock in action of USD 0.518 off. In the Vorjahresquarte war an action of 0.950 USD is possible.

I look at the previous version of Nike in August in a quarter of the value of 10.01 percent of the products. The Umsatz saw 27 analysts who expected USD 11.64 billion in the average of USD 12.94 billion in the previous quarter.

Take a look at the financial statements 34 Analysts in your account and win your action from 3.06 USD. I was for 3.76 USD that your action would be lost. In the US market, 33 analysts in the market are worth USD 48.82 billion, while they have USD 51.39 billion on the books.
