
Zum Semesterstart: Hunderte Studienplätze sind noch frei | – Nachrichten

Zum Semesterstart: Hunderte Studienplätze sind noch frei | – Nachrichten

Status: 30.09.2024 09:32 Uhr

The winter semester started – but in Hildesheim and other Lower Saxony cities and their Hunderte Studienplätze was not available. Some colleges report recent trends.

An der Universität Hildesheim gab es beispielsweise 2.192 Einschreibungen, 487 Platze were nach eigenen Angaben Anfang September noch unbesetzt. The psychology of the study has a lot to do with a university statement. In Erziehungswissenschaften, Philosophie-Künste-Medien, Internationales Informationsmanagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik see es demnach aber else aus. In Hildesheim we have many years of free reinforcing work.

Technical studies are strongly fragmented


Studying sitting in a Hörsaal. © Screenshot

1 minute

With a lighter study of the Studium, the country can be viewed longer. But das Angebot would take a while. (04.04.2024) 1 Min

Auch an der Universität Oldenburg schrieben sich 2023/2024 weniger First semester one as before Corona. One of the Leibniz-Universität Hannover has gone from 9,228 to 2019 to 7,182 to 2023. For all technical natural science research, an investigation by the German press is one of the most fragmented studies iken. A possible Grund für die Zahlen is demnach, die Studentenren aus Teilen Niedersachsens abwandert, um in Berlin, Bremen or Hamburg to study. When Lower Saxony had found a man who had “previous schlussfolgern”, immatriculation was never an indication that the last years would disappear. This concerns the Landeshochschulkonferenz Niedersachsen mit. It has only just begun: the first time we started working on the study in November.

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Aktuell | 30.09.2024 | 12:00 noon

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