
Branicks hat with REWE weiteren Ankermieter für „Neustadt Centrum“ in Halle won

Branicks hat with REWE weiteren Ankermieter für „Neustadt Centrum“ in Halle won

Handel | Offers Miete

Halle, 30.09.2024

Branicks hat with REWE weiteren Ankermieter für „Neustadt Centrum“ in Halle won
  • REWE-Lebensmittelvollsortimenter on 5,400 square meters
  • Mietvertrag läuft 15 years
  • Higher Nachhaltigkeitslevel angestrebt
  • Advanced industry work and proactive asset management as a basis for future management

The Branicks Group AG (“Branicks”), one of the German companies, has won the REWE Markt GmbH, a company of the REWE Group, in the Einzelhandelsimmobilie “Neustadt Centrum” as another anchor. REWE is aware of half of the 10,100 m² of land that was left insolvent by the Schließung von “mein real” in Zuge der Bundesweiten insolvenz de singlehändlers. Der Mietvertrag hat een Laufzeit von 15 Jahren. The Neuvermietung is higher than the Vermietungsquote in the Neustadt Center of 66% to 85%. With the Ansiedlung from REWE it is possible to make a separate Schritt from the Stärkung of the Branchen- and Mietermixes. For the enthusiastic Flächen führt Branicks there are endless conversations with interested parties.

“There is an investigation in the new sector and REWE has pushed us to be active and support the asset manager with the expertise in ESG and real estate repositioning,” says Christian Fritzsche, Chief Operating Officer of Branicks Group AG . Thank you, if you do not know the market, if you no longer have confidence in the award ceremony, and if you have a stronger Vermietungskompetenz in a market-oriented market, you have a Konzept for the Neustadt Center, which is so close to the Verbrauchern -zugutekommt is in place and the city environment is reopened.”

“In our supermarkets, it’s all about the assortment shortage. From regional products and products in organic quality, a knitting edition is a product and a pleasure when it comes to our Tiefpreis article. There are many people who can help us at the Neustadt Center, says Tina Richter, Expansions Manager at REWE.

REWE factory, one of Branicks and his expertise in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit, a REWE Center, which sets up the new öcological standards and is a previous project in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit power. So the heat of the electric energy for electricity production and energy supply will be significantly reduced. As the best possible solution for the concentration of the centers, Branicks is a Zertifizierung nach BREEAM an.

When the asset manager sees Branicks, he is one of the best learners who no longer wants to learn to be innovative, to buy off nightly losses. With your expertise and the expansion of the management and management team, Branicks provides ideal terms for Mieter, Standorte, Anleger and Investors.

Since 2000, the Neustadt Center in Halle has been a multifunctional company in the commercial portfolio of Branicks Group AG. With a combined area of ​​30,700 m², it is an attractive business from the trade, gastronomy, a modern multiplex kino with eight Kinosälen, Arztpraxen that may offer a number of service leistungen. As an aftercare and social meeting point, the Einkaufszentrum serves more than 10,000 visitors from the region. You can stay in your own Parkhaus 933 Stellplätze zur Refügung.