
Lanig: “Wir hätten keinen Sieg deserves to be lived”

Lanig: “Wir hätten keinen Sieg deserves to be lived”

For a long time, the Würzburger Kickers won in a 1:0 Sieg match on the debut of the new chief coach Martin Lanig. At the end of the match the master hangs up his head, but the problem is that the trainer is not in Luft mode.

Martin Lanig must see the premiere of the Würzburger Kickers with a Remis zufriedengeben.

Martin Lanig must see the premiere of the Würzburger Kickers with a Remis zufriedengeben.
IMAGE/Michael Horling

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The Würzburger Kickers come from a miserable Premiere, which is the result of Trainer Martin Lanig so focused on Zug in the Aufholjagd in Richtung Telefoonspitze kommt. Am Ende war die Ernüchterung umso greater. “Wir wollen Euch kämpfen sehen”, encourage the Anhänger and Anhängerinnen in Fan-Block after the 1:1 (1:0) against the TSV Aubstadt. Grund is a game for a specific game, which does this kind of thing. “That’s something I can’t fully see,” said Daniel Hägele, in the background of the Kreuzbandrissses von Peter Kurzweg derzeit amtierender Kapitän über den Gesang: “We were happy and happy. Aber es hat in de Zweiten Halbzeit not yet accomplished.”

Lanig has her hands full with tun

The duration of the kickers after the 90 minutes in Dallenberg is the frustrating performance of the team: The team in this half of the season has received a hint that it is the attacking faction, which is one of the trennungen of coach Markus Zschiesche. The problem with lying is that you can also be in the kitchen in thoughts, thoughts and women. In the final phase there were no more professional Würzburger training sessions, but the guests could train even more. “We were happy with our arrival in the air”, stated the Hägele fest.

The fact is that you have never put a Tag on theTable Schaut.

“The play is complete, the themes are the same, and the work is done,” said Neu-Trainer Lanig. For ihm lie, you can enjoy it. Denn was still a passion, the Kickers construction was extremely shaky. Selbst een 1:0-Führung nach zvor drei Spielen ohne Niederlage gibt dem Team offensichtlich keine Sicherheit. Someone who can help his sister, who is in the first phase, nor dominant host families, is out of the party’s hands. Let more little things happen in the Kickers game. “No matter how you did it, if you earn half the time, it is a great achievement,” said the Kickers Coach at the Premiere party.

Before the Rothoses take another step in a bislang frustrating season. “It’s a long time, wenn man jetzt nicht jeden Tag auf de Tafelle Schaut”, says Hägele später in Kabinengang: “Wir müssen einfach immer auf die nächsten Spiele Schauen. Das nimmt etwas de Druck heraus.” Let the Würzburger immerse four games after the training of Zschiesche and come away with the Verpflichtung of Ex-Profi Lanig war during a bisschen Aufbruchstimmung. Bis 2026 gold plated by the Vertrag with the Ex-Profi. One day, in Würzburg, when we go a year further with the departure of the Drittliga-Rückkehr, the ambitions become even greater.

Lanig will say more about a “Reiner Taktik-Anweiser” signal

For Lanig, the bislang at the Baden-Württembergischen Oberligisten FSV Hollenbach, the Trainer-fahrungen gesammelt hatte en der, when the time comes, and also as Drittliga-TV-Experte will work, the job at the Kickers is a great opportunity. “Eine Zeit lang haben mi die Abläufe im Profiggeschäft, the Themen in der Kabine gelangweilt. Aber der Fußball has an unheimlichen Reiz. And I am reifer, gehe Sachen else an. My power is Spaß, with Menschen zu work, sie zu begleiten If you take absolutely the lead, the leistungsfähigkeit will start a long-term training program, if you as a trainer play a role in playing taktik-anweisers, that is the exciting start-up,” says the 40-year-old Stuttgart, Cologne and Frankfurt in the Bundesliga game.