
Best Retail Cases Awards 2024: Das since die Gewinner

Best Retail Cases Awards 2024: Das since die Gewinner

Creative responses, new technology and trade knowledge: the Best Retail Cases Awards 2024 will take place on September 17. The prize will be paid in the Clubhaus Geißbockheim of the 1. FC Köln, the sister team with the Schirmherrn, the Location Based Marketing Association, kurz LBMA, as host. There are two Award Doctors in the next category who are one of the other winners, once by a jury and once by a voting round.

Category Retail Technology

By the jury, if the gesamtcontext is the best, it is the Bereich Technology that has been found. Experienced the highest punk in all categories and achieved the Goldplatzierung: Edeka Paul with Diebold Nixdorf. In the 1,600 inhabitants of Freckenfeld they are creating a modern Dorfladen, the cattle that are more relaxed. In particular, it is necessary to check the Diebold Nixdorf implementation of AI-based Alterification verification.

Retail: Altersnachweis per KI-Gesichtskontrolle

Ariadne Maps and the Möbelhaus segment the two platz in the Retail Technology category with their Smart-Analytics analysis, the analysis and the analysis of stores in the store, optimizing the conversion rate.

Category Store concept

The C/o56 Hotel in Chemnitz has a Selbstbedienungsshop “C/onsum56”, a flexible and autonomous company, which sorts guests and guests for a few hours at a certain time. When using the Wanzl function, there is a money and app free tax, in this man via digital Self-Checkout or one of the Rezeption bezahlt. This Use Case is intended for the winner in the Bereich Store Concept.

Umdasch and the Gebrauchtwaren-Kaufhaus “Zweite Sahne” are safe on the Platz in the Bereich Store Concept. The loss is all with the greater Anklang and it invests to vote on the first Platz.

Category Retail Marketing

The Austrian fachmarktkette Pagro Diskont and the offer offer great opportunities for a digital campsite, while others are a more dynamic feed base for prospects. It is important to know that the Umsatz makes the Markenbekanntheit zur Osterzeit significant. Damit avancierten both Unternehmen zum Goldgewinner in Bereich Retail Marketing & Service and the spread of Jury-Case-Liebling across all categories.

If the user uses a use case abroad: the first time he started a gamification marketing strategy with Brame, the knowledge binding if the German advertising frequency will be high. Brames used friendly software solutions that are twice the size and create an interactive start-up.

Würth was able to win the jury prize in the marketing department with Wunderhub with the all-in-one marketing platform Marvin. This platform can offer more than 8,000 Würth-Gruppe companies proprietary standards and creative, personalized marketing materials – one of more than 600 global customers doing this.

Category Retail Service

Im Bereich Service is a clear layout of the layout. The platform has been developed as “the new Innenstadt”, the local craftsmanship is light, its products and services are machine-oriented in Europe. So you could have a smaller Hamburger Geschäft yourself, with Elbstolz with layout on Augenhöhe with larger Konzernen agieren and can win both locally and online.

Jury Bronze went to an Actimel Campaign, and above 50,000 Kunden received a full Rückerstattung of the Kaufpreises through the Upload of Cash Receipts. The KI-basierte Prüfung-mittels and Promotion-Tools from UGW guarantee the promotion a sofortige Feedback on Teilnahmeberechtigung.

Category Retail Omnichannel

Peter Wagner Comfortschuhe and D&G Software have selected the Jurywertung of the Omnichannel Category. Through automatic automation of the lower best and the optimization of the ordering processes in the branches, the jury of multi-channelization is brought to a new level here. Thanks to more intelligent post-processing and more flexible bearing processing, Peter Wagner was able to handle the product presentation of the products.

Pier14 and Remira use an omnichannel digital signage solution, which is located on the two Juryplatz and on the answering of the first Platz. Thanks to Remira and Digimago solutions, you can benefit from interactive touchscreens with RFID recognition, which offer personalized product printing. The real sale of best, price and digital content is light, the deliberation becomes verbessern and impulsive purchase separations from the ground.

Wunderhub and Walbusch fashion design have written the platform with its “Printbude”, a print-on-demand platform, the ordering process for work materials in more than 40 automatic and efficient forms.

Categories E-Commerce Technology & Delivery

Dotsource and the external lamp world are certain of the jury in first place in the E-Commerce category. By integrating GPT-4 into your PIM/MDM system, Lampenwelt can efficiently produce more than 1,000 new products in your online shop and generate very high-quality product texts in just 16 generations.

The favorite of the user war is Communicate AI from Fiege Logistik, a proactive guidance of risk management in the packaging and ermöglicht. During the combination of historical carrier data with real information about the Wettervorden and Streikmeldungen, an AI-potential Verzögerungen is identified before they are deleted. Damit konnte der Case auch de Jury im Bereich E-Commerce Delivery für sich de Zweiten Platz entscheiden.

I am E-Commerce Tech dominierte dagegen Omni-AI from AFT with the online shops Hockerty and Sumissura. AI technology makes it possible to determine the exact parameters of the Körpermaße potentiometers, which can test these maßgeiderten Kleidungsstücke virtuell, before placing your order.

The written Plätze in the Unterkategorien has visited a Loqate and Women’s Best, with an address verifizierungslösung Lieferproblem a 50 Prozent reduzieren (E-Commerce Delivery), so who a Trbo and Bitterpower, which the Lösungsrate for Supportanfragen mittels a KI-basierten Chatbot with Zeitplanungsfunktion op 83 Prozent scaffolden (E-Commerce Tech).


“Alle Auszeichnungen würdigen die Bemühungen von Unternehmen, die Zukunft des Handels durch Kreativität en Fortschritt zu gestalten. We will all be happy and happy!” says Angelique Szameitat, director of Best Retail Cases & Juryvorsitzende. All cases were found on the Awards website.