
US Wahlsystem: End the US Wahlsystem

US Wahlsystem: End the US Wahlsystem

We are no longer a new American president or president, divorced on November 5th. There are no warnings that the stimme of the Wählerinnen and Wähler gleich fell. In the US, the president is not directly challenged by the People, but he is attracted by the Gremium of the Wahlute through the so-called Electoral College. The Wahl has started, a candidate or a candidate is the majority of 270 Wahlman- und Wahlfrauenstimmen erreicht hat. And the Zahl der Wahlute varies in the Bundesstaat nach Bevölkerungsstärke. If you make other arrangements, there is no problem.

This system works, it is a passion that a candidate can pour on most stimmen of the wahlenden, but it is true, we will no longer know that the intensity of the Wahleute is not right. So erging 2016 Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump The Chairman, Observer, has given us advice on how to do this. Deshalb can no longer be used states on the battlefield so separated.

Pennsylvania is one of those. Traditionally, the history of Republicans and Democrats is not getting any better. Auch in diesem Jahr liegt die kontrahenten fast gleichauf. Just as Kamala Harris or Donald Trump won, it could finally happen that the Bundesstaat won.

Anyone who has installed the complex US-Wahlsystem-functional and warum-sich-manches-hunderten-von-jaar-nie-idea-has the ZEIT-ONLINE correspondents of Rieke Havertz in this video.