
POLITIK-BLOG/Ampelpolitiker uneins bei AfD-Verbot | 30.09.24

POLITIK-BLOG/Ampelpolitiker uneins bei AfD-Verbot | 30.09.24

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

Ampelpolitiker is one of the AfD-Verbot

Among the Bundestagsabgeordneten der Ampel-Koalition Gibt there is a small difficulty, a word from the AfD is resolved. The SPD CEO Ralf Stegner has supported the Handelsblad, the AfD is a right-wing extremist party and it may be that the Federal Constitutional Court is “one of the most common words” to say. Warnings are given about “valid ideas, but it is a bigger story about the AfD that no longer exists, or the AfD a Solchen Antrag for a populist marketplace,” says Stegner. The Grünen-Innenpolitiker Marcel Emmerich said about the Zeitung: “A successful democracy must be a party-friendly party with seriousness, it will become a justice for your opposition. It is about the focus on the Gesamtpartei.” Make sure you have the right to access a part or a direction. FDP CEO Frank Schäffler criticizes the discussion about a word from the AfD charf. “That’s my stop for Unsinn,” says the Handelsblatt. The AfD must have political unity. There are many discussions now that could damage the political discussions that are possible.

Bundesregierung kommentiert Österreich-Wahl nicht

The German Bundesregierung has a Bewertung der Nationalratswahl in Österreich abgelehnt, of the right-oriented FPÖ started as the strongest Kraft reform corridors. “Grundsätzlich äußern we are not even aware of our Wahlergebnissen in Ländern”, said Director Steffen Hebestreit at a press conference in Berlin about an entsprechende Frage. “Wir beiten with all the desired regulations are in place, which then entstehen.” I have started dying a first time in the world, and in Österreich it became Regierungsbildung-stattfinden. “If you want to start a day, and when the Direction has started, you can do one of these things,” you say.

Prime Minister Günther is supporting Söders in the Green-Haltung state

The Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther (CDU), has lined up CSU chief Söder for his possible halt to a coalition with the criticism of the Greens. Günther said in the Deutschlandfunk, he is a Zeichen von Schwäche, if a man is now sage, with a man who has no direction wolle. “Wahlkampf zu fuhren, woman sich a party kettet, glaube ich, da liegt kein Segen drüber. Aber wir sollten eben niemals ausschließen, auch mit demokratischen Parteien zammenzuarbeiten,” said there. Die Grünen represent a number of important themes, while the Einhaltung of Klimaschutzzielen. Günther hands out his share, whoever shares more of his own, and few can be a coalition partner for that reason. Günther directed in Schleswig-Holstein during his year with the Grünen, and played in a Jamaika-Koalition with the FDP, from 2022 in a Black-Grünen Koalition. Experience those Grünen as a verlässliche partner, with the man who works together with him.

Habeck sees positive Entwicklung trotz Herausforderungen among Grünen

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has decided that the Entwicklung Seiner Partei is expelled. Trotz youngster Austritte at the Grünen Jugend and Umbrüchen in the Parteiführung, Habeck sees the Party auf a Good Way. “First and foremost: Omid Nouripour and Ricarda have long taken part in a swinging low night journey through Wahlniederlagen Luft, said Habeck in the interview with RTL / ntv about the active participation in the competition. Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak have expressed their interest in the candidate reported as a partner. That’s great,” he says.

Habeck: Fund for start-up financing functions

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has considered financing startups in Germany. In an interview with RTL/ntv during the Gründerfestival Bits & Pretzels in Munich, concrete is the functional fähigkeit of the raised Fund. “With the upgrading of money, if there is a question of an upgrading of nature, it is a monetary money, also Steuerzahlergeld or private money, that is an undeserved wurde,” said Habeck. The Funds are said to have developed a new Beteiligung-akteure, in which the KfW-Bank, Millionaire, Familienunternehmen and Stiftungen are involved. These funds can focus on the best technology with climate, high technology or smart intelligence.

Abgeordnete fordern AfD-Verbotsverfahren

Meer Abgeordnete drängen laut Mediaberichten op een Abstimmung in de Bundestag über een AfD-Verbotsverfahren beim Bundesverfassungsgericht. The Abgeordneten yards of the Partei Verfassungswidrigkeit for and by the Einzug des Parteivermögens zogunsten gemeinütziger Zwecke, with the Nachrichten portal T-Online with Verweis on the Gruppenantrag van Abgeordneten from SPD, CDU/CSU, Grünen and Linkenberichtet. In addition to the decision-making process, “the Alternative for Germany according to Art. 21 Abs. 3 GG of the State Financing is concluded”. If a play on words in the Zweifel nicht seitert a V-Leuten in der Partei, was schon mal zum problem in the NPD, it is an Auftrag of the Bundesregierung and the Landesregierungen. If you make a decision, “through the protection of public debts, the recovery of the Federal Constitutional Court for the Parteiverbotsverfahren forms is guaranteed, thus limiting the state exemption.” If the V-Leute has received a message, a notification has been made, thus the message.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2024 06:59 ET (10:59 GMT)