
Der mit dem Teufel tanzt

Kris Kristofferson waged a war against a businessman and a woman, (for all the körperlich) lies and gewalttätig, reflective and hedonistic. Under the influence of the American music city in 1970, songs and songs were written by the American music city with Pat-Boone puritanism and the world of “New Nashville”; geauso, who is self-confident and zur seben Zeit zu an integral file of “New Hollywood” wurde, as “singer Cowboy” in Dennis-Hopper-Film who, above all, as Stichwortgeber for Martin Scorsese’s “Taxi Driver”, who is beautiful, leader en beflissene Cybill Shepherd die Vorstellungskraft von „Gottes einsamstem Mann“ Robert De Niro mit der Diagnose herausfordert: „He is a poet, he is a picker, he is a prophet, he is a pusher / He is a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem if he is stoned / He is a walking contradiction, part truth and part fiction.”

When the song “The Pilgrim, Chapter 33” has been released, Kristofferson has been given the hat by Johnny Cash, who has been so fond of being by himself that he falls for Cash and Frau June has chosen “To Beat the Devil”. Before the Notnauwe Keit, the Teufel a schnippchen zu schlagen, the man is now owntlich, when the man has a glaubt and himself with his end. Kristofferson tat both and hatte damit die meiste Zeit seines lungen Lebens auch gut zu tun. Viele seiner Lieder Handeln von Hingabe und Übertritt, Sehnsucht und Ernüchterung, Sünde und Vergebung.

Hilf ihm during the night

Das Literaturstudium des Oxforder Rhodes-Stipendiaten, der war van 1960, would never have suffered damage, if it was difficult, his own eyes in weween, klug-form, zweilen sprichwörtlich alles Verse zu packen – ‘Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I ‘)ll Ever Do Again)”, “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down” and, among others, “Help Me Make it Through the Night”. I think the war started with talent, coupled with the lives of the born Texaners, the Air Force Captains, the Occasional Workers and the Trunks who were stationed in Bad Kreuznach for three years as soldiers.

Man muss sich das mal prestellen: When Bob Dylan performed “Blonde On Blonde” (1966) in Nashville, Kristofferson heard with his hands in his hand, weil there must have been the Fußboden of the Columbia-Studios – a life in June 1964 When the Rolling Stones in Chicago brought their blues music to the world, Muddy Waters was no longer as great as Hilfsarbeiter. Part of the settlement may imply an unprivileged position for Kristofferson, so that there is no longer any right to the company; The war is the establishment, which is an Outlaw that has appeared over time, and that is how he got his film roles – for Scorsese, Michael Cimino and more for Sam Peckinpah, Denkwürdigsten in “Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid” ( 1973) – at a Standbein party.

This Singer-Songwriter, who has received the interpretation of the authors’ hints, is Randy Newman with Beispiel, Bobby Womack, and Dylan has also published a Reihe of Songs, the others could also be recorded themselves. If he forgets the impressive beauty, Kris Kristofferson with his Baritone, often in the Bass Abgleitenden and with his wonderful Lyric at his full pro, from Nashville, quickly streams an imaginary Monument Platten for a year, then he can still do that.

Den Country is modernizing

There is another material that is used, it is no longer used. Der Country, its more personal and more complicated modernity is a genius beige hat with its “Highwaymen” – Kumpel Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings, who is now a little bit, the man no longer looks at big instruments from his heraus- Or if you go to the world, who dies to the rude Weise Janis Joplin with ‘Me and Bobby McGee’, then for the first time in your life it will be one of the greatest Rock songs of all time.

“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose”: The right quality of life forms the basis for the life of rock’n’roll and the Kipp-Punkt 1969 between Woodstock and Altamont, between fried food and great excitement. Hangover immunity, I’m very happy. Kris Kristofferson, who in his search for a costly war, love and the few ancient art, is now a change of 88 years in Hawaii.