
266,000 Ukrainians in Beschäftigung: Scholz lobs “Job-Turbo”

266,000 Ukrainians in Beschäftigung: Scholz lobs “Job-Turbo”

The Zahl der Flüchtlinge from Ukraine with an orbit in Germany amounts to 266,000 years. That’s one thing Plus of 71,000 In July in Vergleich zum Vorjahr, Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) organized a discussion for “Job-Turbo” in Berlin.

Bei de Menschen aus de eightweightsten Asylherkunftsländern seien es 704.000 in BeschäftigungWas zufällig ebenfalls ein Plus von 71.000 in Vergleich zum Vorjahr ausmache.

“The job turbo will be ready in October 2023,” says Scholz. The offensive of Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) was carried out as follow-up. Scholz spoke of “schön”; There is a new Job-Vermittlungen aus. Take into account the direction and weitere beteiligg noch besser zijn, mahnte der Kanzler.

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Heil hatte das Programm auflegt, um You can complete your job faster. Laut seinen Angaben vom July went in April 192,000 Ukrainians and Ukrainians a sozialversicherungspflichtigen Beschäftigung nach. 48,000 were lightly civilized.

I can imagine who I am, in a foreign country of null occupations (…), also fell in a whole new working area.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)

Schwerpunktmäßig will the Labor Minister with the “Job-Turbo” the Ukrainian and Ukrainian zügig in Jobs, auch Menschen in other Ländern. It cannot be that Reine Helferjobs no longer works.

In November, the Minister of Justice invested a Zahl of 400,000, the integrations have been canceled or they can start working and then bring the Arbeitsmarkt to the market.

Scholz judges the “maximal pragmatism” of all Seiten auf. “I can imagine who I am, in a foreign country with zero work opportunities (…), I can also work in a whole new working area,” he said. It deserves Unterstützung and Anerkennung.

Die gelte auch für Unternehmen, Krankenhäuser, Kitas und Pflegeheime, de Geflüchtete mit veldleicht noch not perfect Deutsch and ausstehendem Anerkennungstempel beschäftigten. The Einsatz von Steuergeld was never vermittelbar by Scholz. Arbeitsverbote für Geflüchtete seien also be locked.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz sits with Federal Minister Hubertus Heil and the Vorsitzende Bundesanstalt for Arbeit, Andrea Nahles, at the Discussion Meeting “Job-Turbo” in the Federal Chancellery.

© image/Chris Emil Janssen

Heil versprach, both de Anstrengungen nicht nachzulassen. These are the demands of the SPD politicians Abbau von Hindernissen during the integration of Ukrainian Flüchtlinge into the German Labor Market.

It is necessary that you can use a schnellerwhere the Länder is sister. More living space in Ballungsräumen and an Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung seeen later. Unternehmen ief Heil auf, nicht zu warten, bis Ukrainianrinnen und Ukrainian besser Deutsch sprächen.

The head chef of the Federal Agency for Labor and Health Care, Andrea Nahles, has a great experience with the food and drink. From other countries that get to know the Netherlandsthat is said on the words of Ersteinstieg in the Beruf not so large were laid. That became one of the most recent efforts of the Federal Government officials “Job-Turbo”, which was later reviewed. (dpa)