
Über 40 High time and fast 50 Babies: Exciting Zahlen und Fakten zum Bauer sucht Frau-Jubiläum

Über 40 High time and fast 50 Babies: Exciting Zahlen und Fakten zum Bauer sucht Frau-Jubiläum

Die 20. “Bauer sucht Frau” -Staffel steht in den Startlöchern. Could most of the lie be found? Bis heute since über 40 Ehen en fast 50 Babies entstanden.

Die 20. “Bauer sucht Frau” -Staffel starts. RTL said that the first Folge am Montag, September 30, at 8:15 PM (a week earlier at RTL+). In 2005 the first dating show started on the channel and got a real look at the Kuppelshow-Urgesteinen. Who has power over the country and who can have its biggest lies?

Die Sendung

On October 2, 2005, “Bauer sucht Frau” took place at RTL Premiere. In the Kuppelshow, from the mittlerweile über 200 Folgen (ohne Specials) gibt, the Landwirte will find its Partner for Life. If one of the TV programs watches the first broadcasts and shows the people of the world that it is a Scheunenfest, then it has no knowledge. Then we separate ourselves when we are loaded into the Court. Make sure that you can select the candidates in the Hofalltag and pack them yourself. In the final it becomes more exciting when the Hofwoche is a Liebes-Happy-End-gekommen. For the German Ausgabe, “Farmer wants woman” in Great Britain or “Bauer sucht Frau” in Österreich started in 2001. Subsequent editions feature more versions in more than 20 countries, with “Farmer Wants a Wife” in the US (premiered 2008).

The moderator

Während in Österreich the Sendung von Arabella Kiesbauer (55) was promoted, in Deutschland Inka Bause (55) in moderation. It is Staffel who is busy with his agricultural labor and landwirte at the Shin Festival or in the Hofwochen. Bause, who studied in Berlin, prepares for war in the GDR as schlagers before they are on the moderation platform. This way you can see more TV broadcasts as a jury member on “Das Supertalent”, with a title like “The Masked Singer” or with Schauspielrolle in “Das Traumschiff”.

Die Landwirtinnen und Landwirte

Laut RTL has taken over 200 Bäuerinnen and Bauern in 20 Staffeln “Bauer sucht Frau” (Bauer sucht Frau). The military war of the Hühnerwirt Gerhard from Staffel 6 war with 77 years over the last Landwirt. The youngest landwirt of all time is in Staffel 20 with the times: Paul (22) from Mittelsachsen has not been deprived of his father Kai in the family court with Mutterkühen, Schafen and Grünsowie Ackerland and will find the lie for his life.

Make sure you get a landwirte aimed at the right partner. In 2009, a country was laid to the ground for the first time. In the siebten Staffel (2011), Philipp was the first homosexual Bauer nach seinem Liebesglück. 2013 went with Lena being the first lesbian candidate for such a partner.

Die Hochzeiten

Over the years, a country has enjoyed the show that would last a Happy End in Saxony for a year. Laut RTL is about 40 great times, which have been achieved by “Bauer sucht Frau” in the 20 years. In the first Landwirten, which is located in the Liebesglück fanden during the Show, the division of the Galloway-Züchter Maik can be seen. There is a trauma fraud with Judith that is not in the show, the Arzthelferin is on TV and contacts him.

Der Nachwuchs

Nur von Hochzeiten, auch von Nachwuchs kan be de Kuppelshow messages. Hauke ​​​​and Christina, who have two children in Staffel, become the first “Bauer sucht Frau” -Baby. Mittlerweile quickly had 50 babies during the Show das Light der Welt erblickt. This is one of the best relationships that a “Bauer sucht Frau” has produced: Ziegenwirt Roland and Franzi, who are heirs in 2018, and received Sohn Alois in 2020. Patenuncle Jörg war with Roland in the zölften Staffel op Liebessuche gegangen.

The family helped Bauer’s children André and Julia. If you meet 19 in 2023. Employees of the dating formats know, we know that you can give your opinion about your Verlobung. There is power over the couple for a year then Nägel with the buying and heir. Am 20. August come first with Kind zur Welt. “Unsere Tochter ist da. So stollz auf meine zwei Prinzessinnen”, wrote the freshly gebackene Papa zu einem Babyfüßchen-Foto.

Also, Alina was born with children “Bauer sucht Frau”-Nachwuchs und wurde Born in November 2022. It is the Tochter von Anna and Gerald Heiser. The couple is in the 13th year of 2017. Gerald Heiser war damals from the first teilnehmer in the history of the show in Africa. The high time of 2018 in Poland and the last two weeks später abermals in the blessing Heimat Namibia. Sohn Leon kam End January 2021 zur Welt.

Die stars

The Heiser family has access to a “Bauer sucht Frau”. Other Candidates and Candidates can make their progress while sending scaffolds. The Bayer Josef and the busty Thai landlady Narumol are witnesses to the credible Cult Couples of the Show. The mothers of 44 years Narumol David and the Bayerische Landwirt get to know their favorite staff of the dating formats. If the media have been celebrated as media honors in July 2010, the publications will be published and high time in July 2010. In July 2011 I was near the Jorafina family. As “sanfter Schweinebauer” fand Uwe Abel 2011 seine große Liebe in Iris. Two years later, they both inherited and let their fans enjoy “Das Sommerhaus der Stars” 2018, and social media and their lives during the TV broadcast.

Bauer Bruno and Anja met in 2007 in the written Staffel der Show, 2009 went to the jaw. In 2015 a TV show was released: In “Stepping Out” you are shown Tanzqualitäten. Schäfer Heinrich had less power with his life than with his music career on his brand name: Der Kandidat der vierten Staffel konnte with his “Schäferlied” damals Platz fünf der Single-Charts erreichen en tritt bis heute op Mallorca op.

Der Ableger und der Skandal

If the Luxembourg compatriot or Gerald Heiser from Namibia was still in the regulative broadcast, the international version “Bauer sucht Frau International” and the start were brought in 2019. In the spin-off, the candidates end up in Australia and get to know the German language and companies. Loading the Single-Manner and the Damen that the Auserwählten want on the Court of Justice. Beim Stall ausmisten, Feldarbeiten und der Tierversorgung stellt sich heraus, ob es zwischen de Pärchen außerhalb Deutschlands funkt.

If there is a possibility, there is a skandal verbunden, shocking the “Bauer sucht Frau” fans in those years. Candidate Andreas from the war in Guatemala in April 2024 when the disease was caused by trauma. If the Australian notification is on an Instagram account from Wort and erklärte, it is reported “25 years ago”. RTL wakes up Konsequenzen und schnitt de Kakaobauern komplett aus der Show. “RTL und de production bedauern, dass Andreas mit seinem Verhalten nicht nur sie, sondern auch die Zuschauer und Zuschauerinnen en seine Bewerberinnen gett anyway. Daher reagiert der Sender umgehend en Bauer Andreas would no longer be Teil der Sendung sein”, erklärte RTL in a statement on the seiner website. Andreas is adept at Instagram, so wohl his workers as the production in Guatemala of seiner Ehe erahren haben. The sender’s best result is.