
Schüler schnuppern in Betrieben – Titisee-Neustadt

Schüler schnuppern in Betrieben – Titisee-Neustadt

Dominik Bloedner

The Hans-Thoma-Schule veranstaltet Mitte Oktober schon zum drieten Mal Berufsinformationstage. An important orientation dies for Schülerinnen and Schüler.

Vergangenes Jahr zu Guest at the Bruno Kaiser Holzbau in Bernau | Photo: Hans-Thoma-Schule

Vergangenes Jahr zu Guest at the Bruno Kaiser Holzbau in Bernau Photo: Hans-Thoma-Schule

That one question itself: Who are the last few hinges? Will I earn my money? Do any of the people who prepare Freude? On the other side of the page, they are also exposed in the region: How do I care about the Auszubildenden, which I brauche so urgently?

Sicher, it’s Praktika. It is a good job to work, if you look at some of your employees and students on the other pages. One of the Hans-Thoma-Schule in Titisee-Neustadt gives a annual Messe “Einblicke”, based on 60 external presentations. If it takes longer, it is a fact that another channel is used: the information phase. If you clear all debts from the Berufsschule, you will find mid-October and bring together in those 250 years of youth with 20 children from the region, the insgesamt 80 different berufe offers.

“It is important that the barriers are removed, the students and the environment are in contact,” says Daniel Bläsing, Abteilungsleiter Mittelstufe and Lehrer für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Geschichte und Gemeinschaftskunde. The project was started together with Juliane Schröder, Lehrerin für Geschichte, Gemeinschaftskunde and Deutsch.

Jede Schülerin and jeder Schüler come together with the Unternehmen a Flyer. If you do something different, then there are interesting things for a schnuppertag – a hint at a perhaps more interesting goal. Three newcomers can be welcomed, while two newcomers will still follow a term in October and a workshop tag in the school in January.

Was it interesting for the young person? “The Sparkasse steht derzeit hoch im Kurs”, said Bläsing. “That’s your school unterschiedlich,” says Schröder. The Schülerinnen and Schüler des socialpädagogische Zweiges are in the Heliosklinik, the Freiburger Uniklinik or the Lebenshilfe der Caritas. The Schülerinnen and Schüler vom Technischen Gymnasium see them in the metalworking Betriebe.

Other projects in the region are popular under the following names: IMS Gear, the Franz Morat Group, GSC Schwörer, Gleason Cutting Tools and August Weckermann at Eisenbach, Mesa Parts, Atmos Medizintechnik and Atmos Interieur at Lenzkirch, WST at Löffingen, FSM at Kirchzarten or others from Bernauer Holzbaubetrieb Bruno Kaiser. Ebenfalls since the Schmidts Markte, the Hotel Alemannenhof in Hinterzarten, the Hofgut Sternen, the Gemeinde Titisee-Neustadt and the Rothaus Brauerei. 2022 after the first Aflage der Berufsinformationstage were neither zwölf Unternehmen, 2023 schon 16 and now since es 20, weil der Dienstleistungssektor ausgebaut wurde.

The information is intended as an example for practice. The Schülerinnen and Schüler get to know the Ausbilder im Betrieb. If more errors occur, a negative error may occur. “When you have passion, you say: ‘Um Gottes Willen, a work statt is no longer for me.’ Or: ‘Der Ton in der Küche und die Arbeitszeiten entsprechen mir nicht.’ Then we were still won,” says Juliane Schröder.

Es gibt Erfolgsgeschichten. So half the information, practical information or a view to get started. A Schüler, who technically does not have a sleeve for his music, was able to find his personal details on the information page for his work – and his Unternehmen is from the Neuen.

Ressort: Titisee-Neustadt

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