
Konstanz: An der Seestraße sprudelt nichts meer. Was it made of the Konstanzer Fontäne?

Konstanz: An der Seestraße sprudelt nichts meer. Was it made of the Konstanzer Fontäne?

That was just crazy… It seemed that the regularity of one of the Seestraße spazieren was gone. Richtig, at the height of Hotel Riva, one of the water springs in a fountain at a height of 30 meters and stürzte in a Schleier wieder in the See – with etwas Glück entstand sogar eine Art artistic rainbows. There are many pictures of Konstanz, which are treated in the world of the war, the war is coming.

What has become of Daraus? The fragment comes from Margit Pagé, while the Mannes play the city of water in the world of a gift of 50,000 Euro. From the city administration, versichert dat, no one has reported in all the time and that a possible silent information is being planted.

“Eine Entscheidung mit Blick auf den Klimanotstand”

It is normal that there is a regularity in the Seestraße, when the fonts shift. The urban expansion starts in the battle with the summer of 2022 in Betrieb affairs. Dies “Eine Entscheidung mit Blick auf den Klimanotstand” gewesen: “I am Rahmen der damaligen Taskforce-Arbeitsgruppe “Gebäude- und Energieversorgung” would prüft, wo die great energieverbräuche lie.”

Margit Pagé said that she would have seen a Niedrigwasser as Grund for a vorübergehende Abschaltung: In the Pumpe a wash water was sucked from the sea. Now that the laundry is normal for longer, and “my husband has lasted a long time, the fountain will last longer and longer”. But Peter Pagé will be published in November 2020.

There is a heart for the City of Constance and the Citizens and Besuchern 2008 that Fontäne an der Seestraße presents and bis zu seinem Tod darauf ...

There is a hatte of the City of Constance and its Citizens and Besuchern 2008 that Fontäne an der Seestraße presents and bis zu seinem Tod darauf welcomes, that is a relationship with: Software Pioneer Peter Pagé (1939-2020). | Image: Hanser, Oliver

A certain task is the quantity with the Mannes gift box that Margit Pagé gives more brands, but the fonts are still not up to par. It is unclear who would incur the costs. A political decision about the community or a blessing from the theme is not documented. Take care of the fountain war that includes the high-rise building of the city of Konstanz. It became an “event bezogener Einsatz”, i.e. the city administration.

Ein eher trister Anblick: Inselhotel und Münster sind noch da, de Fontäne fehlt.

Ein eher trister Anblick: Inselhotel und Münster sind noch da, de Fontäne fehlt. | Image: Rau, Jörg-Peter

Schon for four years fragments Politiker nach

Ziel is demnach, the energy company that will pay the city’s costs – it will work for the city and then the city itself will pay for the electricity. For four years, if the theme becomes a technical and one-sided discussion, you will receive a prize of 6,000 euros each time.

For all city-states of the free green list and the links, the times when they play the water and the damned verbundenen Ausgaben have been skeptically gegenüberstehen. Zur Kostensenkung comb the idea, the Fontäne from April 2021 nur nor für fun Minuten, jewelen zur fullen Stunde, einzuchalten. If this happens, there is nothing to worry about.

It could be interesting

Kreis Constance

Konstanzer hinterlässt Millionenbetrag für Stiftung: “There was always sehr modest”

The Lebzeiten war der Konstanzer Thomas Seger puts modestly and sparsam, after each other his power signal Nachlass in Millionenhöhe die ...

Another Ort am Bodensee went to question the Fontäne after problems with Niedrigwasser wieder in Betrieb. In Friedrichshafen, after a break in 2023 with a Wasserspiel de Passanten in the Uferanlagen, the Unternehmen Zeppelin is the sponsor. In Kreuzlingen, the Fontäne 2022 roads of the Energy Crisis in the Ukraine-Kriegs will go to the Betrieb generation, so the “Thurgauer Zeitung”.

It is after Margit Pagé that the city of money no longer gets going. If you take over the power of solar energy and can carry out a project for study efficiency of the college of technology, Wirtschaft and Gestaltung of your machine. So, so the idea, it is not possible to make a beitrag from climbing protection and control the city and make a Freude machine, but to learn, a solution that can be used practically.

If you bother to use the fonts – after a few malicious investment costs – Sonnenstroom regarding: Margit Pagé, Witwe ...

If you take the trouble to use the fountain – after a few wicked investment costs – you can bet: Margit Pagé, with the markers. | Image: Rau, Jörg-Peter

The Verbindung lies nahe: The HTWG would receive large amounts of relief from the Stiftung uit de Nachlass Ihres Mannes. There has not yet been any mention of the solar idea: the fountain will not last longer than the pollution when the sun shines, even in summer, and in wet weather. If there is a good chance that this will be the case in the 2025 season, Margit Pagé will never be able to abstain.