
266,000 Ukrainians by “Job-Turbo” in Arbeit

266,000 Ukrainians by “Job-Turbo” in Arbeit

Status: 30.09.2024 21:58 Uhr

Before the Minister of Justice invokes the “Job-Turbo” function: Geflüchtete, insondere Ukrainianr, sollen schneller in Arbeit kommen – en dabei Deutsch lernen. Nun gibt is a first Zwischenbilanz.

Hans-Joachim Vieweger

Hubertus Heil is quickly a year into the Sachen “Job-Turbo” journey. When the Minister of Justice questions a Friseur salon in Ukraine, a job is financed, but it is a supermarket with a greenhouse.

It is “the best way, a schneller in the German Society that is integrated”, so the woman, the doctor. “Who can respond?” fragment from the minister. “Sie sind immer nett”, answers sie. “Okay… – and tie in Deutschland”, entgegnet Heil.

Scholz: “Brauchen pragmatisme – auf alle Seiten”

So positive are the experiences with the Ukrainian sin, the jetzt in Arbeit sind – der Anstoß für the “Job-Turbo” comb with a negative Erfahrung heraus: Geflüchtete has found a job in Germany as in other countries. If you cooperate with the Federal Agency for the construction of the Konsequenz: If you are successful in working, you will not have to speak German.

“Deutsch is an important Voraussetzung,” said Heil. “If I can make a mistake: German can rob a man and learn in the story – it is a powerful signal, and here is a job, it cannot work.” Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz states his views on his thoughts: “My credo is: Wir brauchen maximal pragmatismus auf all Seiten.”

266,000 Ukrainians in Arbeit

The Zahl der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine with Job in Deutschland amounts to 266,000 years. If you have a Plus from 71,000 to 71,000 until July in Vergleich zum Vorjahr, Scholz says a Gesprächsrunde for “Job-Turbo” in Berlin. Labor Minister Hubertus Heil sprach davon, dass von de 266,000 unefähr 113,000 in sozialversicherungspflichtiger Arbeit beschäftigt seien.
When considering the eight most important asylum reforms, Scholz had paid 704,000 in Beschäftigung, a plus of 71,000 in Vergleich zum Vorjahr ausmache.

Scholz appelliert and Wachstum von Erwerbsbevölkerung

Other people are in the public debate about the Bezug von Bürgergeld. “Of course you play on the gratitude of a role, that is not the only thing you can get money from,” said the Kanzler. “That is not possible for anyone, that it damages the actions of the fighters and insofar as the entire population fell, who are here with an pack,” says Scholz.

The rapid integration of Geflüchteten into the labor market is one of Germany’s own interests. In Zeiten von Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel a man can no longer read, here Zeit zu verlieren. It is “a small land of the Erde, the Wirtschaft auf Dauer wächst and that is a schrumpfende Erwerbsbevölkerung hat”, says the SPD politician. “Deshalb müssen wir alles wirklich alles dran setzen, thosejenigen, who have been here since, can bring most speed into work.”

Deutschland is a Fachkräften

The Zahlen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit spread with a clear statement: Besides the Zahlen der Zahlerbstätigen, the Zahl der Erwerbstätigen were sunk into the ruins and themselves Monaten in Deutschland. Seit der Einführung des “Job-Turbos” is worth about 140,000 dollars in the company, half from Ukraine, the other half from other states.

Below another in a kindergarten in the Bayerischen Gemeinde Eichenau in the west of Munich. Peter Münster is his Bürgermeister. “Wir haben – wie alle Kindertagesstätten bundesweit – notorisch das Problem, dass die Zahl der Fachkräfte zu gering ist and haben da in der Vergangenheit schon versucht, Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter zu qualifizieren, die zu uns gestoßen sind”, said Münster. There are a few things you can do. If the “Job-Turbo” function no longer works, this may happen again.

“I am very happy, my Kindergarten is working,” said a Ukrainian Pädagogin. “The work with the children’s power in my work.” If the moment when representation in the Kanzleramt no longer exists is an appeal with the children, it is about a political Botschaft. Sie sei Deutschland is a grateful bar for Schutz, Sicherheit, umfassende Unterstützung – and the military Hilfe of Ukraine.

Hans-Joachim Vieweger, ARD Berlin, Tagesschau, 30.09.2024 20:48 Uhr