
Hessian Cannabis Clubs warten noch immer auf Lizenzen |

Hessian Cannabis Clubs warten noch immer auf Lizenzen |

Since both monaten are legal, the three monaten dürfen Cannabis Clubs grow grass – theoretically. Practically, the Behörden in Hesse do not have any Lizenz erteilt. Anbau-Clubs complain about bürokratischen Hürden.



00:40 min.||Jörn Perske

Image © photo alliance/dpa|
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Der Anbau von Cannabis in dafür gründeten Clubs kommt in Hesse nicht voran. Obwohl Anbauvereine seit three Monats eine Lizenz beantragen können, hat das Regierungspräsidium (RP) Darmstadt as landesweit zständige Behörde nor keinen einzigen of the 20 single entries Anträge genehmigt, who is on hr-Anfrage mitteilte.

Abgelehnt, other things aber noch kein Antrag, wie een RP-Sprecher ergänzte. The device should be cleaned one of three times a month for cleaning the Anträge. Let the lower layers be a full-fledged vorliegen.

Nachbesserungen kostenlos Zeit

If it is often not in the fall, the RP starts. Deshalb seien bisher auch first zehn Anträge prüffähig gewesen. If the follow-up treatment does not last that long, you can extend the procedure further.

Verzögerungen kan zum Beispiel auftreten, if Anträge is not sufficient without or not the Vorgaben entsprechen. When you connect to the Vereine, you can respond to an RP speaker during the Qualitätsunterschiede festivities.

Clubs complain about bureaucratic Hürden

Another idea has arisen in the Clubs: The political system of wealth and the high bureaucratic hurdles in the Way, until the Anbau of berauschenden Pflanzen begins to dawn.

Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) and another ministry have implemented cannabis legalization legislation.

Since April 1st, the Konsum von Cannabis in Deutschland met Einschränkungen im öffentlichen Raum legal. Auch der Besitz von bis zu 25 Gramm Cannabis is no longer a punishment. These reactions were certainly split. There is talk of a “Kehrtwende der Drogenpolitik”, others of a “Catastrophe”.

Various types of cannabis social clubs have emerged on July 1st with an idea to create a cannabis community and unite a few of the other things.

So article

The Vereine or Clubs take a maximum of 25 Grams of Cannabis pro Tag and 50 Grams pro Monat up to a maximum of 500 grams. If you want to use Samen and Steckling, you can use the Mitglieder zum Eigenanbau zu House. Maximum collaboration or a nice Stecklinge for Monat is possible here. Nur erwachsene duürfen de Clubs beitreten.

Everything is as intensive as expected

In Hesse everything is neither theory. Solange de Vereinen die Lizenzen fehlen, können sie met dem anbau nicht begin. Insgesamt sei de Planung, vom Anbaus über de Aufbau von Structures bis zum Genehmigungsprozess wesentlich zeintensiver as erwartet, said Sascha Hubing, Vorstand des Gießener Vereins Green House.

There is a problem, a generic schneller has been created, so Hubing – and message about overrun. Who is the “Current Information Center, which is responsible for the administrative support of an Elster Account with the Steuernummer of the Government’s inheritance order.”

All in the Erteilung dieser Steuernummer has four Woche dauert. Mid-July the Hubing for the Cannabis-Zucht eingereicht messageet there. It is a matter of bearbeitung and genehmigung.

Costs of skiing, uncertainty awaits

If the light looks green, the costs are even greater – and that also applies to Hubing. The financing is based on the purchase of Anbau-Equipment, sei hoch. Zahlreiche other Clubs have invested. Die Unsicherheit steige, said Hubing.

Auch Fynn von Kutzschenbach sees the problem on the way to the beginning. There is more Vereine in the Rhine-Main area gegründet and rechnet aufgrund der burokratische Hurden with an Anbaustart frühestens Anfang 2025.

High protection and protection measures

If an Anbau-Lizenz were to do that, he would inherit the Anforderungen. So we must put forward the Vereine Schutz- en Sicherheitskonzepte. I have a great time during my stay, open windows and windows without having to worry about anything. Derzeit has started with the RP an Leitfaden with the Vorgaben.

Auch zum Gesundheits- und Jugendschutz erwarten die Behörden een Konzept von de Antragstellern. Part of the Vereins müsse zum Präventionsbeauftragten fortgebildet became – as a representative in Sachen Suchtprävention. Das RP will die if he is eaten with a Leitfaden, teilt es mit.

First 300 Anträge federal white

Hesse is not the only Bundesland that is involved in the Cannabis-Anbau Agreement. In North Rhine-Westphalia there is no longer such an arrangement, nor a Verein or Zulassung.

The problem may manifest itself in this case. Deshalb gives a bundesweit on the first knapp 300 Anträge von Anbauvereinen. The story of the Hauptgeschäftsführer of the German City and Community Bundes, André Berghegger, of the “Rheinischen Post”. The Zahl der Genehmigungen für Anbauvereine do not move to a “sehr nidrigem Niveau”.

The Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Burkhard Blienert (SPD), created a mixed first Bilanz. “Der away from his control over the cannabis-free war, and it would take a year after the beschlossing of the cannabisgesetz, nor with the old cases, was in the koalitions delay form how it was,” said Blienert.

A form of Werbeaverbot

An association of cannabis clubs can express itself so indignantly that it is no longer possible to talk to the media: “Those clubs that do not exist can solve their legitimate problems,” says one club club at an hour. It is likely that the Stellungnahmen were known as Werbung (fehl-)interpretiert. Denn Werbung for Cannabis Clubs is verboten.

I am falling in Bavaria, while the cannabis clubs are concerned with the fact that it was posticht, that the best immungen could be used. “Due to the lack of understanding and risk due to the minimization of risks, we are aware of them and are not aware of the media reports,” the statement of the government.