
Neue Insolvenz am Elbtower – Luxus-Hollywood-Hotel is an advocate

Neue Insolvenz am Elbtower – Luxus-Hollywood-Hotel is an advocate

We will not continue with the Elbtower campaign: the verzweifelte is a new investor who goes further. Once the plants grow, the highlights of the plants will not be removed.

The Pläne were so small that the Elbtower itself was chosen: Die Elbtower Hotel Management GmbH would have a Luxus hotel in the inner hall of the Turms. As a partner, no one wants more than Robert de Niro (“Taxi Driver”, “Goodfellas”) – the Hollywood star is involved as Gründer en der Marke “Nobu Hotels”.

Now it is clear that the Luxus-Hollywood-Hotel in Elbtower no longer exists: on September 25, a bankruptcy application will be filed with Elbtower Hotel Management GmbH. It is one of the most common consequences of the Amtsgerichts Hamburg reform.

Zum Insolvenzverwalter wurde Gideon Böhm von der Kanzlei Münzel & Böhm from Winterhude. Display the message “Mopo”.

The Marke “Nobu Hospitality” hat Robert de Niro collaborates with the gastronomes Nobu Matsuhisa and the film production Meir Teper gegründet. In two Geschäftszweigen bereibt das Neighborhood Hotels and Restaurants. Für das Elbtower-Hotel included 191 Zimmer, a restaurant with 200 Sitzplätzen and Lounge with Elbblick-planted.

The Bauarbeiten in the Elbtower, the Hamburger Opposition politics is derided as “kurzen Olaf” and Olaf Scholz (SPD), but it will last a year. The insolvency of the Signa-Konzerns has brought the project into enormous difficulties.