
Who says the dialect is over? – Blog: I am Ö-Ton

Who says the dialect is over? – Blog: I am Ö-Ton

“Everything is related to everything else, but things that are close are more related than things that are far”: Dieses als “erstes Gesetz der Geografie” bekannte Bonmot vergild natürlich op dialecte. So if the problem manifests itself in Merkmalen over time, the fact is that it is often so bad that it falls off. In my Tyrolean homeland there are many different types of Frotzeleien über die Aussprache des R I am a Stubaital barbecue (it sounds like a bisschen who is US-American R). Für Außenstehende – etwa aus Wien – since the Dialekte trotzdem wohl nur schwer auseinanderzuhalten (“Tyrolerian” halt).