
I live alone in Tiny House in the Land: This was the best Entscheidung

I live alone in Tiny House in the Land: This was the best Entscheidung

I live alone in Tiny House in the Land: This was the best Entscheidung

Nikki de Graaf

Nikky de Graaf, 30, has ended up in a country, in a house in the country in Eltern’s life.

When you look at Studiums, in the city where you live, the war is in your life and stressful.

If you spend 2690 euros, a Tiny House is a fact, and anyway, life in the Großstadt is portable.

This is a machine tool that contains an article from Business Insider’s US columns. There is automatic processing and a real editing assignment.

This essay is based on a conversation with Nikky de Graaf, a photo of 30 years and Youtuberindied in the Netherlands. There are grounds of length and clear reproduction.

I spent most of my time in the country. I was born in a very small town, where 1500 people lived. That Schule, which has been tarnished, now has 90 Schüler in eight classes. When the war revives, life in the city is his würde. As 20 years into the war, anyway, the end of the war, for my Studium nach Utrecht in a city, which now continues 25 minutes with the Zug von Amsterdam.

Nikky de Graaf lived in a house on the land in the Netherlands.

Nikky de Graaf lived in a house on the land in the Netherlands.
Nikki de Graaf.

Dort, etwa 45 Minuten von Meiner Heimatstadt entfernt, lived in an alten Wohnhaus on a einer belebten Straße. Mein Zimmer war etwa 15 Quadratmeter groß, und I teilte mir Küche und Bad with others Bewohnern desselben Stockwerks. That Miete costs 450 Euro per month, and that is easily a year ago. If you are sure that the price is that high, this is not possible. Most of the others were among the students who were a little bereft.

I have some good coins now before I take them out

I couldn’t live my life anymore, and the stress in the city wouldn’t be like that anymore. It is a war that is more and more people and geräusche – I couldn’t even be exciting. My Eltern can part with his studies for my Studium, and after my winzigen Zimmer was sucked, I lived with my father for a few years, and 20 minutes outside Utrecht.

The combined hut was missing by 33 square meters and was removed from Holz.

The combined hut was missing by 33 square meters and was removed from Holz.
Nikki de Graaf.

Meine Mutter hatte wieder geheiratet, en etwa zu der Zeit, als 2020 meinen Abschluss in Photography and Communikation mechte, wollen sie en mein Stiefvater in een größeres Haus auf dem Land Ziehen. If you want a place, damn it, my großmutter at my living room. If you catch my wife and me, you can see a few woollies and both of these terrifying creatures.

If I don’t want to anymore, I may have an unresolved event

I am a man and I am like this, in our own home in my country. If the Internet is open at some point, you can look at a house and a few things, a few things you can do to buy a property.

I paid 1500 euros for the Tiny House project. It is a war that is not good and is a good thing, but no matter how little money, the better. As one of the professional companies that transports Tiny Houses, Weitere 1250 Euro has brought the Grundstück to the weld. If you are so comfortable, if you are a woman, a washer and a strom, nur with a matratze and a few nights. There is a war going on.

If you hurry a few months, your house will be in shape. But everything was there, it was brauche: a toilette, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a living room. The whole house is 33 quadrat meters large and from Holz. With the Hilfe von, my father and my brother, I have a terrace in front of the house, which is more Platz zum Leben in my spare time.

My house is at the end of the Grundstücks, a way that the Bäumen don’t have a bit to do with. There is a wonderful look at the most common Felder, and it is a miracle. We live in a small town and a few smaller towns in the countryside. Je nach Verkehrslage is the larger city and takes 40 minutes to a stunde.

My Tagesablauf variant of Tag zu Tag

Most of my life is making money doing werbe photography for stock photography and videography photographers. When I started my YouTube channel, I think about my Tagesablauf and more on the Arbeit in de Landwirtschaft, which is this project for my Kanal film.


The collage links to the Tiny Houses DQTower, which creates the Roll-collars pullover for a blue building plan as a background. See photos of the dream tower with a room for a building and an integrated stairwell as a hint for him. If you see the DQ-Tower as an office at night, a schlafzimmer with Ausblick in the Grüne is an Aufriss model of the DQTowers.

39 Quadratmeter verteilt auf 3 Stockwerke: This Tiny House is a smaller skyscraper

I’ll see my YouTube channels later. Life is a big part of the time, one of my main things, aber im Moment is not yet in the fall. My morning is starting to feel normal, I’m hitting the road and having a good time. Wir haben Hühner, Pferde, Schweine, Hunde und Katzen.

De Graaf said that he was aware of the Court and lived on the Court.

De Graaf said that he was aware of the Court and lived on the Court.
Nikki de Graaf.

If you are carrying out a project, one of the installations of the Grundstücks that you can help, zum Beispiel at Sammeln von Brennholz for the winter or at Bau and the repair of Tiergehegen. If all goes well, you should keep your hands busy. Meine Mutter sehe ich fast jeden Tag; Manchmal gehe ich einfach zu ihr nach Hause, um Hello zu sagen. I pronounce the Zeit with meiner Großmutter – I would do it differently, and I could say in my next life that my Hilfe braucht. The entfernung of my house and the house is large, that will no longer be the case, if it is not woolen, if it is natural, it is beautiful, if it is regular.

I am not happy with my life, I am living in the great city

There is a tolle that no longer fits in the kitchen. If the power goes out, everything will change again, with your hands on fire. It’s a great find. I can be essential, and when I’m busy with friends, my feeling will be a little bigger now. Some of the power is not as great as the power in the city.

De Graaf said that he is on the landzufrieden with his life.

De Graaf said that he is on the landzufrieden with his life.
Nikki de Graaf.

If I’m in danger of falling out with friends from university when I go to Amsterdam, then it’s time to go. I have a little friend from my childhood, who lives in the life of the mirror in the country, and he is there about twice a month. If we live, and if we continue the activities in the city, while life in the country does so many other things, it may be that the mind can.

If all goes well, it is not the case that the princes live in the city, as it is in the nature of nature. The fact is that I see more of the world. I think it might be an idea to look in another country and go to the country. I am not happy, but I live in another city.