
Deutsche Kinderbücher in der Ukraine: Die Ukrainian Überraschung

Deutsche Kinderbücher in der Ukraine: Die Ukrainian Überraschung

Kaum zu glauben, die Ukraine China überholen kann. If you have a German child and a youth booker, it is safe to say that this is the case. Über Jahre kaufte China die meisten Lizenzen deutscher Jugendliteratur, 2022 were es jijetzt 347 Title. I have been working on die Zahl on 163 zurück for a while now, and the Ukraine rückte with 256 Lizenzeneinkäufen on Platz a – now a year nach Start the Russian Angriffskrieges. Hundreds of German books have become new in Ukrainian cuisine or are available.

“It is unclear what is in Ukraine, so there is a great interest in a new book,” says Olga Nazarova, who has written the Lizenzverkaufe in Ukrainian responsibly at Loewe Verlag. 24 Titel hat sie 2023 dorthin verkauft, darunter funf Bände der Erstlesereihe Commissioner Pfote and three tires of Minecraft-Reihe Das Dorf. Nazarova was ruled out of Ukraine in 2022 and will appear for the Ranok issue in Charkiw for 21 years. If the Krieg beobachtetetete si, this would be the case in the Ukrainian language. Over the years, German has become stiffer.