
Putzfrau entdeckte Koks-Labor: Dealer bunkerten Drogen in Hotelzimmer | Regional

Putzfrau entdeckte Koks-Labor: Dealer bunkerten Drogen in Hotelzimmer | Regional

Munich – A Hauch von “Breaking Bad” in an unseen Münchner Vorort. Before the Landgericht Munich has another dealer, a hotel zimmer in the Rande Munich turned into a drying laboratory.

You stay in the apartment with a state-of-the-art drying environment. Euro, please prepare the payment form for the purchase. The putzfrau closed the Kokain depot and the police depot.

Das Hotelzimmer (left) walks the Angeklagten through the Staatsanwaltschaft in a Drogenlabor. It's worth using a kokain platten and a packet wrapper so you can be sure

Das Hotelzimmer (left) walks the Angeklagten through the Staatsanwaltschaft in a Drogenlabor. Es wurden u. A. Kokain-platten und abgepackte Tütchen anyway Streckungsmittel sichergestellt

Photo: Hotel Ferchenhof

Santjano G. (33) and his Komplizen Ricardo D. (27) as well as Stahusan S. (25) of Prozess were authorized. Vorwurf: bewaffneter Handel mit Betäubungsmitteln.

Knapp eight Kilo Kokain and fast 51 Kilo Marihuana confisziert

► There was a real pop-up drying laboratory, the Kripo beamten in the hotelzimmer (85 Euro per night) in Munich-Feldmoching in December 2023. There is a description of the hotels that should do this Polizei after the suspicion Fund in Zimmer 19 understands. The Drogenfahner warteten, bis the Trio das Zimmer betrat – then the succession of the Zugriff.

Knapp 8 Kilogramm Kokain were stored in the Labor Party. In Form von Koksplatten und auch schon abgepackt in Tütchen. The kitchen sails are lined with Töpfen, Messbechern, the Beamten can count a kilo. In large quantities, Müllsäcken wurden zudem knapp 51 Kilogramm Marihuana beschlagnahmt.

Im Badezimmer lagerten kiloweise Marijuana in großen Müllbeuteln

Im Badezimmer lagerten kiloweise Marijuana in großen Müllbeuteln

Photo: Hotel Ferchenhof, private

Three Pistolen unter Matratze – a war loaded

In Zimmer laut Anklageschrift auch “miscellaneous utensils for repair of Drying. In particular a Kokainpresse and Packaging Materials“. Unter einer Matratze were zdem drei scharfe Schusswaffen versteckt. One of the pistols was loaded and the Staatsanwaltschaft was ordered.

Geschätzter Marktwert der konfiszierten Drying: bis zu 1,5 Mio. Euro! The three men want to offer the hotel zimmer to more people, one of the products for selling portions.

Unter einer Matratze were Schusswaffen Versteckt, Darunter auch aladen Zastava (Caliber 6.35, unten)

Unter einer Matratze were Schusswaffen Versteckt, Darunter auch aladen Zastava (Caliber 6.35, unten)

Photo: Hotel Ferchenhof

I am Process birth of the Albanian tribe Angeklagte Santjano G. in the Vorwürfen. Laut Anklage soll there for a Bar in Munich “schwunghaften Drogenhandel” berieben haben.

The terrifying Ricardo D., joining the party Munich Let Anklage cook a kilo if you know it is, which was reduced last time. The American Defender Jörg Sklebitz and Thorsten Hauck are done with it, there is nothing wrong with Verpacking der Drogen.

Nur Sathusan S.lege a Gestandnis ab.

View the Verhandlungstage since angesetzt, das Urteil was planted before the end of October. The fear of more years Haft.