
More like a symbolic concept

More like a symbolic concept

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More like a symbolic concept
The Soldatenfriedhof with signals fell new geschmückten Gräbern is a heavier Gedenkort in der Stadt. © Georg Leppert

Frankfurt is committed to the Ukrainian Stadt Lwiw – a classic city partnership that is one of the largest.

It is not the right goal, illusions have arisen. Und der Krieg is not the right time.

It is an initiative of the Frankfurt Delegation with Oberbürgermeister Mike Josef (SPD), the Stellvertretenden Stadtverordnetenvorsteher Christoph Rosenbaum (Grüne) and Eileen O’Sullivan (Volt), who as Dezernentin for international Angelegenheiten is an Art Frankfurter Außenministerin. This is the result of the new Swiss city partners in Frankfurt and Lwiw in the evenings. These days, a whole normal Swiss community of friends and family will be able to come together with friends and family. Darauf can find the tour group once.

Knapp 30 Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus der Frankfurter Politik, der Wirtschaft und aus zvilgesellschaftlichen Organizations haben Anfang der Woche Lwiw besucht. The trip in the western city, with der Frankfurt, is an official friend and strengthens the track record of the Security Service. Because the terminology had never become so light, the program was initially straight, and the delegation of the German Security Forces was able to make inroads into the elite of the police and the Bundeswehr.

Another important trip nach Lwiw

A journey to another destination, after a “heavy journey”, with Josef at all official concrete terminals. The people in Lwiw see it, if Frankfurt no longer has a city partnership schmücke, it will go with life full wolle. Dem Bürgermeister der Stadt, Andrij Sadowyj of the liberal Party Samopomitsch, nötigte das Respekt ab. “True friends know that it is true, that they have the Mut, but in that way they will come to us,” said the politician, the Frankfurt delegation showed great support.

If pure solidarity is not worth the other journey, Josef would stay. First connections were made. Before all medical sectors, in the Ukrainian organization ‘Unbroken’, play a separate role, Frankfurt will rest. Jumas Medoff, from the Vorsitzende der Kommunalen Ausländervertretung, has activated the Verein “Frankfurt for Ukraine”. Zahlreiche Prothesen, Rollstühle und Krankenbetten, die der Verein gesammelt hat, were demnächst zu „Unbroken“.

Conversation in the office in the bunker: Dezernentin O'Sullivan, OB Josef und Vize-Stadtverordnetenvorsteher Rosenbaum with Andrij Sadowyi (2. from the right), Bürgermeister von Lwiw.
Conversation in the office in the bunker: Dezernentin O’Sullivan, OB Josef und Vize-Stadtverordnetenvorsteher Rosenbaum with Andrij Sadowyi (2. from the right), Bürgermeister von Lwiw. © Georg Leppert

That is not the case. Josef will manage the telephone services at the Amtskollegen in Freiburg and Würzburg. Both communities have their Partnerstädte von Lwiw. As long as – and with the Hilfe Frankfurter Stiftungen – a new Krankenhaus building was financed, Josef was in favor. There are more experiences in the hospital and rehabilitation center of the Oberbürgermeister – all of whom are led in the Frankfurt Delegation. Nirgendwo in Lwiw sind der Schrecken and the Brutalität des russischen Angriffskriegs so sichtbar who in them riesigen Medizincomplex, der weiter waiting muss, weil the Zahl der Patients rises and rises.

What Eileen O’Sullivan says is clear: “In that city partnership, everything must be for the Citizens and the Citizens for Ort.” It is important for Volt politics to involve Jahr in Fokus. Dann soll Lwiw – proud of the good roads of the Krieges – europäische Hauptstadt of the Youth.

Können young Leute from Frankfurt nach Lwiw reisen

O’Sullivan has appealed to joint activities – and yes: to a company of young Leuten from Deutschland in Lwiw. If you do not want this, you cannot use this information. Bürgermeister Sadowyj will not ausschließen the Besuch von Jugendgruppen. But it is still true: The Frankfurt School was young in the Kriegszeiten in the Ukraine. Look for Eric Menges, chef of the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Frankfurt/Rhein-Main GmbH, in the wenigen Stunden in Lwiw nur darum, “eine Basis zu legen”. More normal life could lead to an offensive by an Unternehmen, which is being run in the region around Frankfurt. But Menges is different, because the economy in the Ukraine has other themes. Once the chefs have an IT department, they will choose a program standard, an overview and Ukraine’s new role in the IT sector.

Derweil träumt Andrij Rusol von Fußballspielen. Rusol is a hero in Ukraine, we have been the first Tor for Ukraine at a World Mastery since WM 2006 in Germany. Auch der Ex-Profi, mittlerweile Vorstand beim in Lwiw spielenden Erstligisten Karpaty, empfing the Frankfurter Delegation. An Austausch with the Frankfurter Vereinen, in particular with the Eintracht, was brought forward by the Ukrainian Fußball, it says.

A formal form that is mandatory to use the terminology is with the trip. Mike Josef played in the Golden Book of the City Lwiw one, in the form of the Schauspieler Tom Cruise with a verwigt hat. “I spent my time fighting for European living,” said Josef and those people in Lwiw. And furthermore: “Ihr seid nicht alleine.”

Also interesting: “Lwiw: Partnerstadt im Kriegszustand”