
Employee Got No More Money When They Left a Job, But They Knew the Company’s Dirty Secrets » TwistedSifter

Employee Got No More Money When They Left a Job, But They Knew the Company’s Dirty Secrets » TwistedSifter

Employee Got No More Money When They Left a Job, But They Knew the Company’s Dirty Secrets » TwistedSifterEmployee Got No More Money When They Left a Job, But They Knew the Company’s Dirty Secrets » TwistedSifter

These things happen when you run your business in a shady way…

So let this story be a warning to anyone who is thinking about not being honest!

Read the story below and you’ll see that being a creep doesn’t pay!

“I worked for a terrible company. It was financial, emotional and physical abuse of his employees.

Over the years I was there, I was pulled out of multiple raises.

One year I was promised that I would get a raise to show exactly how much I was valued in the company.

They were seven months late for performance reviews, so for seven months I heard this: “We don’t know how we would do without you and we’re going to make sure you know how much we appreciate you with your raise. .”

That’s insulting!

That increase was 15 cents. I was worth exactly 15 cents more per hour.

It got worse as time went on. My work became a collector’s item. If it wasn’t sales or the main sector of the field, it was me.

I was accounting, project manager, legal, briefly HR, shipping and receiving, you name it, I did it.

I accepted a promotion within the company with the promise of a raise.

After 3 months that never happened and they denied ever saying they would give me one.

When my replacement for the old job resigned, I agreed to return to the old position with the promise that I would still get the raise I was promised, the job (which no one else seemed able to do) was split into two functions as I have been pushing for years.

Once the position was split and I had trained people for it, I went back to my promotional position.

They decided to try again…

They agreed to these terms and stated how incredibly grateful I was for putting the company before myself.

Well, you’re out for revenge, so you can rightly assume that never happened. What actually happened was that I was written up.

The replacement who quit had screwed up royally. I looked over his shoulder for everything (while I did 60% of the old function, 100% of the new function and trained him).

I knew exactly what he was doing and told him what needed to be done next. So when I asked if he had done Y and he said he had, I took it at face value.


It turns out he didn’t and he outright lied. This caused a big problem. When he was gone (wise man), the finger was finally pointed at me.

So instead of getting my promised raise, I was instead written up for being a negligent trainer.

Then I had to write down exactly what the position was so they could break it down and assess how much to pay me. I did that.

Then it was something else. It was always something different.

They moved the goalposts further and further away. At one point the HR person took pity on me and told me as plainly as she could that they would be left dangling the carrot, but I would never see another cent.

It was time to go.

I finally got out of that hellhole. This company was notorious for not paying people for their leftover PTO, so I gave my two weeks and used my remaining free time for the last week.

I sat down with both HR people. We all compared my hours and agreed I had X number of days left.

We all ended up with exactly the same decimal point. So I took up most of that time and still had 1 day (8 hours) left.

What is this…?

I started my new job immediately. During my first week on the job, I saw my paycheck and it was just plain wrong. My last salary should have been 4 figures.

It was about $100. After much back and forth with the old company to find out what the heck happened, they started sending my calls to voicemail.

Finally a few days later I get paperwork that has clearly been tampered with. It shows the vacation time I had, an updated company policy on vacation, and their calculations on how much time I had.

Despite three people coming to the same conclusion, I left suddenly and never had a vacation to begin with. In fact, they had the audacity to tell me I owed them money, but they would be ‘benevolent’ and let it go.

I didn’t expect this, so I didn’t bring the original papers. A rookie mistake.

What a mess…

I am proud to be financially responsible. I have never paid an invoice late and am usually a month ahead of all payments.

So lastly you **** from my company, they tried to **** my finances.

My first week of work was half juggling the new job, the other half on the phone with my billing companies and the bank, trying to delay payments for a few weeks.

I had considered hiring an employment lawyer, but realized that without the documented paperwork, I had no case.

What I did have was years of dirt on a company that operated in super shady ways.

They had an ace up their sleeve…

I had saved numerous emails from the head of the company over the years in which he made insulting statements, talked about dumping chemicals in the lake behind us, talked about ‘growing a few’ about dangerous work environments, *** ***** intimidating comments etc.

All of this went as evidence to OSHA, where I filed over a dozen claims (all legitimate). OSHA and the DoL were AWESOME.

On a side note, if you’re ever afraid to say something at work, DO IT. If your company threatens to fire you, you are protected.

They handled my case so professionally. I wish I had called sooner.

Later I received a summary of the changes the company had to make and it cost about five times what they charged me.

But wait, there’s more!

However, I wasn’t done there yet. I anonymously contacted their parent company, where 85% of their sales came from. They had put the books on the books to get bigger payouts for the work they did.

I told the parent company to investigate and that they were in serious breach of contract. Their contract has to be extended this year, which is going to hurt.

Finally he let them have it.

The owner of the company had several family members on the payroll. None of them work there, but earned better salaries than most employees.

I called the tax authorities and started a fraud case (unfortunately I don’t know the status of this).

I still keep in touch with colleagues from the company. The place is not ready yet, but it is deteriorating quickly. The workforce has been reduced by 60% (minimal shooting, mostly it’s like rats leaving a sinking ship and no one is hired to replace them).

Their contract expires, causing them to lose income. The EPA is investigating them.

Don’t give someone the power and access to all your dirty laundry and then **** him.

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person was impressed.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another individual came forward.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This Reddit user has been there.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another person intervened.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

It came back to bite them in the… well, you know…

That is almost always the case.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to disappear without a trace.