
These autoreifs will no longer be carried out

These autoreifs will no longer be carried out

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From October the best driving in road traffic is no longer pleasant. If you wish to do so, you must receive safe bus money.

Frankfurt – The Tage became cooler, the temperature kühler and the Straßen Rutschiger: It was a long time ago for the Reifenwechsel. However, it is important to note that the best conditions for driving are as soon as possible on October 1, 2024. Konkret acts like a winter journey with the “M+S” Knowledge (Abkürzung für Matsch and Schnee), which is based on the winter road journeys. If you make a mistake it will cost you 120 Euro Strafe.

Autoreifen mit „M+S“-Kennzeichnung sind nicht more laubt: The gold-plated statistics

Bereits 2018 will experience the “M+S”-Kennzeichnung through a new symbol. It is one of the best things for all Fahrerinnen and Fahrer, who had your car trip before December 2017. If it’s new Regulations regarding the knowledge of winter holidays starting in October 2024 and which have not yet been confirmed with the “Alpine” symbol. Erkennbar dies from a mountain icon with Schneeflocke. Auch Ganzjahreifen can paint the symbol.

Alpine symbol on a winter journey.
On October 1, 2024, car travel was no longer a winter trip, the tragedy of the Alpine Symbol. (Symbol image) © Guido Schiefer/Imago

The problem of the „M+S“-Kennzeichnung: Laut de Automobil-Club Verkehr (ACV) is de Zeichen nichtlich geschützt. Dementia should be caused by autoreifen on no test during the winter period. Because of the safety and security of traffic, this constitutes the Alpine Symbol of Duty. Smaller tip: If you have another reaction to your Keller hat, it is not the symbol, but the correct profile-based überprüfen.

Would you like to experience more Winter Reifen?

In Germany it is one of the most important celebrations for the Winter Holidays. Stattdessen gilded a situational Winterreifenpflicht, which in § 2 Abs. 3a der Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) anchors ist. If the winter residence is at winter beds such as Schnee, Glatteis or Schneematsch vorgeschrieben since. One of the Faustrule statements is: “Von O bis O” – von Oktober bis Ostern empfiehlt is sich, auf Winterreifen zu fahren.

Quelle: ADAC

Safe punishment for false autoreifs: So this can happen

Were motorcyclists and motorcyclists in October with winter trips with an Alpine symbol, but this should be done with safe driving conditions. If the incorrect payment in winter trades costs 60 euros, this becomes a punkt in Flensburg, it is a money catalogue. With another underlying option, the bus fare is set at 80 euros, with a discount at 100 euros. Auch in diesen Fallen is a punkt in Flensburg Fallig.

Falsche Bereifung at Schnee, Eis and Glätte 60 Euros 1
… with additional traffic connections 80 Euros 1
… with other traffic routes 100 Euros 1
…and comes to Unfall 120 Euros 2

If you take the Winterreifen to an Unfall-kommt, you can receive an amount of 120 Euro Strafe and two Punkte in Flensburg. Thanks to the ADAC, the Kfz version can now be adjusted a few times in that autumn. In Australia, different Rules and Regulations for the Winter Reifen apply. (cln)