
ATX active: ATX verbucht to Start des Mittwochshandels Gewinne | 02.10.24

ATX active: ATX verbucht to Start des Mittwochshandels Gewinne | 02.10.24

Ben Mittwoch tendiert der ATX at 09:11 Uhr via Wiener Börse 0.05 Prozent fester bei 3’618.05 Punkten. The value of the ATX value amounts to 116,847 Billion. Euro. In the Mittwochshandel, the ATX 0.004 Prozent schwächer went to 3’616.19 Punkten, after 3’616.32 Punkten am Vortag.

I am a Tagesverlauf for the ATX to 3’619.94 Punkte. The lower position marks the Börsenbarometer hinges at 3’607.20 Zählern.

ATX-Entwicklung seit Jahresbeginn

Start the work of the ATX hose with a value of 0.751 Prozent. For a month, on 02.09.2024, the ATX is a stand of 3’735.89 Punkten auf. For three Monaten, op 02.07.2024, verzeichnete der ATX een Stand von 3’660.10 Punkten. On 02.10.2023 it will be one year since the ATX stood at 3’128.03.

The index has a value of 6.04 Prozent on an annual basis in 2024. In these years, the ATX occupancy on an annual basis is based on 3’777.78 points. At 3’305.62 Zählern werde hinges das Jahrestief markiert.

Active winner and loser in ATX

The strong Einzelwerte im ATX is a lensing (+ 1.01 percent at EUR 34.95), OMV (+ 0.77 percent at EUR 39.24), Wienerberger (+ 0.61 percent at EUR 29.54), UNIQA Insurance (+ 0.41 percent at EUR 7.32) and Erste Group Bank (+ 0.35 Prozent at EUR 48.77). Flop-Aktien im ATX since derweil AT S (AT&S) (-1.66 Prozent at 19.50 EUR), Andritz (-0.94 Prozent at 63.40 EUR), DO (-0.90 Prozent at 131.60 EUR), Telekom Austria (-0.69 Prozent at 8.69 EUR) and Verbund (-0.34 Prozent at 73.25 EUR).

This ATX stock has the highest market capitalization on

The promotion in the ATX with the largest trading volume is the OMV promotion. 24’764 Aktien wurden zützt an der Heimatbörse tradt. The Verbund-Aktie has power in ATX with 25,883 billion. Euro derzeit the largest market capitalization in Australia.

ATX basic knowledge

The last part of the current price-earnings ratio (KGV) in the ATX is in those years on the FactSet-Schätzung de Raiffeisen-Aktie auf. This results in a KGV of 2.71. The OMV action was carried out in 2024 with FactSet-Schätzung with 11.87 percent of the best dividends in the representation of others in the index.
