
“Bauer sucht Frau”: Jubiläumsstaffel starts with Notarzteinsatz

“Bauer sucht Frau”: Jubiläumsstaffel starts with Notarzteinsatz

Was for a Schreck. “Bauer sucht Frau” started directly with a Notarzteinsatz. Inka Bause started his Kuppelshow in his 20s. Staffel.

As “Bauer sucht Frau” and the beginning, war of the young candidates for the active Staffel first two years alto. This festivity is Inka Bause, 55, early 20s. Staffel-stolz. When the Rechnung no longer started, when the Kuppelshow started in 2005 and the start, and the young Bauer of the anniversary round for 22 years alt.

“Bauer sucht Frau” starts with Notarzteinsatz

14 Landwirte (zwölf Bauern and two Bäuerinnen) are included in the Jubiläumsstaffel. Elf davon kommen zum traditional Scheunenfest – but now they also meet with their Auserwählten. Heiner, 70, was driven mad by the onset of a major problem. The Notarzt needs to get more information about the room. The three women, the Heiner, have given their heart, which is more.

Heiner is the senior member of the anniversary staff. The Reitlehrer from the Upper Palatinate is longer Single, as “Bauer sucht Frau” gibt – since 22 years. Nun will erase the rustic Bayer wieder. Although there may be more features, fans will get into the new Folge first.

Trampeltiere and erotic Tonkabohnen

Yannik heisst one of the Staffeljüngsten. The 22 years of life with a family on a court on the Swabian Alb. If large amounts of schnapps are used, everything from the Tonkabohnen is “erotizing” Wirkung, who his Grandpa erzählt. Yannik is a woman with “wuscheligen hair”. Außerdem muss sie ihm “in den Arsch treten” können. The shin party is a large group of women, and it is never with locked hair again. Das Trio will save a woman, which “Mutti” will do in no time.

Marvin, 30, retired from his Hof Tiere, which can no longer be found in 20 Staffeln. The learned KfZ Mechaniker visits a camel farm, with Trampeltieren, Llamas and Alpacas. Three women have been loaded there. If the blamiers are lighter for the first time, there is a schnapps flask gift that is not mentioned on the packaging.

Konrad, 61, who dropped Exotics on his Betrieb. If the Geflügelhof is located in the Pfauen, you will see that Eier and Fleisch will never be able to enjoy it again. When it has become white, both can have a statt Blumen a Strauss from Pfauenfedern mit. Wait longer. Der Geflügelbauer wählt schließlich Doris, 60, aus.

Andreas, 31, is a conventional seller, on the Hof in NRW, Leben Schweine, Schafe, Kühe and Hühner. With the blessing of Hündin Chiara it is a free minute. The Scheunenfeest is separated by the bank clerk Lisa-Marie, 31.

Ponyyard and Püppi

Paul, 22, is no Yannik from Staffeljüngling. The Eltern des Sachsen has been a Mitspracherecht at the Auswahl der Candidaten. If there is a short letter to the country, the order is the largest. Paul was such a woman, who last lived in the Garden, which has been renewed. Three “gigglige” (Inka Bause) Candidates are completely finished. Nachdem sich Paul für Kindergartnerin Sarah, 20, entschieden hat, kippt die Stimmung, is flying Tränen.

In the anniversary staff, it is an honor to be a man. Jennifer, 58, owns a pony farm near Dortmund, after her year as a single is the vegetarian owner of a partnership. An “Adonis” sparrow in your partner is no more, the irgendetwas muss aber optically schon da sein. Both gentlemen have no power over the red Norbert, son of the same Swede, 63, from Rennen. There is no question of an Adonis being in the Landwirtschaft.

A man like Heino, 50. I am the best, but I sing Karaoke Duette. Der Ostfriese live with über 100 Kühen auf seinem Hof, dazu kommen nor various other Tierarten, neben de Bauernhofklassikern auch Pfauen and Emus. A man before the Court is no more than a Bett, who is a little more cheerful. One of the candidates is a Tantra Specialist.

Manfred, 38, is no longer fishing for a berufsschullehrer – and can swim a little more. There is an insult to a woman who is Mutter. Susanne, 39, is the only worker at the Scheunenfest. It is Mutter von zwei Söhnen, that is the moment when a “Püppi” is wanted. Manfred hat looks like “the kopf verdreht”, which is there.

Marcel, 29, is so close that Yannik is very happy. Der Unterfranke played in two Musikvereinen Posaune and Akkordeon. It is not separated from Eva, the guitar playing, which the handiwork of Jasmin, 30, has produced.

Andre, 29, sees the markings on the corsets, sparse blond hair: a black base cap, sucked on the ears. Andre has a great business life, for this soul there are two women who feel like they are “kept”. Of course I’m positive Sinn. Andre has a bit of fun “increasing the verguckt”. It is Sophie, 25, who comes with her Hofwoche.

Verwendete Quellen: RTL,
