
Die Auswirkungen van Hurrikan Helene

Die Auswirkungen van Hurrikan Helene

DHurricane Helene made landfall over Florida’s Big Bend as a Category 4 Sturm on September 26 and had a huge Auswirkungen experience. More than two million people were in the area, the highways were blocked, the airports were closed, and 1,300 airports were quickly closed.

The Auswirkungen of the Hurrikans Helene have become enormous. Mindestens 190 People have started a life in the Federal State, and the Behörden befürchten, the Zahl der Todesopfer noch steigen konnte. Other people will not go missing, if they may not end up in the lowest place, if they contact the communications infrastructure, they will.

Click on the button to look further and see what the picture of the Schäden looks like, Hurricane Helene looks at how the preparations are going and how long they are on their way.

Hurricane Helene hits Florida

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Hurricane Helene hits Florida

Der Hurrikan Helene hat in sechs Bundesstaats leastens 190 Menschenleben gefordert, Millionen sind immer nor ohne Strom und Trinkwasser und vale Familien in de Fluten eingeschlossen. The processing of the sturms has moved from Florida to Virginia and has become more powerful.


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North Carolina is one of the most affected areas of the United States, the streets are a flute or damaged and the springs are handsome.

Ohne Strom

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Ohne Strom

The recovery operation of the stromversorgung is in the Ganges, but in a number of cases the plowed infrastructure cannot be shaken up, nor can a dunkel bleiben arise.


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More than 600 missing persons were left behind, the communication problems that support recovery.

Satellite image

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Satellite image

A satellite image said Hurricane Helene hit the Gulf of Florida on September 26.

Leere Straßen

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Leere Straßen

A leere Straße in St. Pete Beach, Florida, said the full heart of the Hurrikans Helene.


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Two people were struck by the waves as Hurricane Helene hit St. Petersburg, Florida, and the coast.

Gekentertes Boot

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Gekentertes Boot

A cracked boat was splashed in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Stranded vehicle

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Stranded vehicle

Ein Auto is in St. Petersburg, Florida, in the Fluten area.

Coastal repair

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Coastal repair

The siege of the Coast Guard Air Station began at Mann and Seinen Hund, after the Segel boat sank off Sanibel Island, Florida.

Those who visited Wellen

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Those who visited Wellen

Jamika Bowens (left) and James Womack (right) are busy with the Wellen-brechen, with the Hurrikan Helene in St. Petersburg, Florida, and the coast.


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A person left on September 26 in Straßen der Innenstadt von Tallahassee, Florida.

Wellen in Saint Petersburg

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Wellen in Saint Petersburg

Tanner Flynn in St. Petersburg, Florida, von der Brandung umspült.


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Mitarbeiter een versorgungsunternehmens in Florida repairs a damaged Leitung in the Nähe von Crawfordville, Florida.


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Military sheriffs of the Navy are preparing for a recovery action in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, for.


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Hurricane Helene struck the Gulf of Mexico and brought Wellengang to the coast of St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Uberflute Straßen

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Uberflute Straßen

Fahrzeuge travel through a whistle-stop street in St. Pete Beach, Florida.


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Bird’s eye view of one of the affected Wellen homes in Alligator Point, Florida.


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A note was addressed to Leon High School in Tallahassee, Florida.


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A Boat in Gulfport, Florida, a land spelled by the Hurrikan Helene on September 26, was seen crossing the Gulf of Mexico.


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Tanner Flynn is in the flchen Wasser, als der Hurrikan Helene in St. Petersburg, Florida, last year.


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One of the events during the murder of the Hurrikans Helene in Cedar Key, Florida, was affected by the Wellen.

Überfluteter Strand

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Überfluteter Strand

Ein Mann is played in one of the flutes, as Hurrikan Helene ben 26. September Indian Shores, Florida, triffs.

Überflutete Straße

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Überflutete Straße

A Straße in St. Pete Beach, Florida, is the flute player when the Hurrikan Helen plays on the Gulf of Mexico.


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The Wells of the Gulf of Mexico crashed into St. Pete Beach, Florida, along with Hurricane Helen and the Sunshine State.


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Menschen spazieren an der Küste, met Hurrikan Helene in St. Pete Beach, Florida, wütet.

Wells brechen

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Wells brechen

Edwin Valdivia (left) and Tanner Flynn (right) walk in St. Petersburg, Florida.

How Florida is on Hurrikan Helene's Ankunft

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How Florida is located on the Ankunft von Hurrikan Helene

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) left the Bürgern when the Donnerstag appeared on the Ankunft von Hurrikan Helene. We will take a look at the fact that the Floridians have arrived at the Ankunft of Hurrikan Helene.


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Anwohner full of sandbags in Helen Howarth Park in Pinellas Park, Florida, near the Ankunft des Hurrikans Helene.


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Gary Lush from Florida used Sperrholzplatten on Schutz from Fenster-zegengeschäfts in Tarpon Springs, Florida.


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House full of sandbags in Helen Howarth Park, seen here from a bird’s eye view.

Window protection

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Window protection

A Ladenbesitzer lays Sperrholz in front of a window, looking for the Hurrikan Helene in front of him.


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Single resident Mark Baham went to his home in Port Richey, Florida, before Hurrikans Helene went on vacation.

Fullen the car

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Fullen the car

Tallahassee state professor Pamela Andrews attempted to direct Tropensturm Helene Sandsäcke to a car.

Schutz des Ladens

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Schutz des Ladens

Donald Tointigh was treated to a Sperrholzplatte on Schutz from the Fenster-zegengeschäfts in Crawfordville, Florida.


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A letter box was busy hitting the Hurrikans Helene in Cedar Key, Florida, in Plastik eingewickelt.


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People have been to the Agora Food Market, the main entrance to Sandsäck before the market crossing, here in Tarpon Springs.


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A Mann completed a canister of gasoline in Crawfordville, Florida, during Hurricane Helene.

Helen Howarth Park

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Helen Howarth Park

More Anwohner full of sandbags in Helen Howarth Park in Pinellas Park, Florida, as predestined maßnahme.


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A person betritt in Steinhatchee, Florida, a Geschäft, dessen Fenster met Brettern vernagelt since.

Das Wasser draußen stopped

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Das Wasser draußen stopped

Sandsäcke was built in front of the entrance to a building on Steinhatchee platziert, one of the end rings of Wasser in the Gebäude.


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Humorous painter entering a geschäfts in Cedar Key, Florida.


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The resident of Eden Springs Nursing & Rehab in Crawfordville, Florida, was evacuated before the final meeting of the Hurrikans Helene.

Golf cart

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Golf cart

A woman called a golf cart in Cedar Key, Florida, before Hurrikan Helene in Big Bend, Florida country.

Hurricane Helene

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Hurricane Helene

Kyley Weems (right) and Jordan Rochester (left) loaded Sandsäcke into a car, at the Ankunft des Hurrikans in Tallahassee, Florida, a long time ago.


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Three Worker Legen for the Final Meeting of the Hurrikans Helene in Clearwater, Florida, Sperrholzplatten over the Fenster an Geschäfts.


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A woman fully committed to the adventure of the hurricanes Helene in Cross City, Florida, a canister full of gasoline.

Schutz for Überschwemmungen

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Schutz for Überschwemmungen

A woman skis at the Joe DiMaggio Sports Complex in Clearwater, Florida, in a Sandsack, an amazing hurricane experience.


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In Steinhatchee, Florida, people in the Fenster schützen with Holzplatten, while they resemble the Ankunft of the Hurrikans Helene.

Pinellas Park

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Pinellas Park

Pinellas Park resident full of sandbags in Helen Howarth Park, one of the many Hurrikans Helene was there.


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A Feuerwehrmann from Wakulla County speaks about the Bewohnern von Ochlockonee Pointe in the Nähe von Panacea, Florida.


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Rick Chouinard (right) and Donald Tointigh (left) shoot the Fenster ihres Geschäfts in Crawfordville with Holzplatten.

Einige Anwohner wollen lieber bleiben

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Einige Anwohner wollen lieber bleiben

Feuerwehrleute aus Wakulla County note, which Bewohner in his home user does not beat the Hurrikans Helene.


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Anwohner falls due to the flooding by the Hurrikan Helene in Tallahassee, Florida, Sand ein.

Sandbag preparation

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Sandbag preparation

Daniel Batista ties a Sandsack at Helen Howarth Park in the past at Hurrikans Helene’s Ankunft in Pinellas Park, Florida.


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