
Davidoff scores with Ultra-Premium-Zigarre on the Sternen

Davidoff scores with Ultra-Premium-Zigarre on the Sternen

The fact that one of the exclusive Zigarre products is no longer included in the Tage: Aus Tobacco Sorts, which have been reifegelaged for 111 years, the Schweizer Marke Davidoff is proud of in the new “Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years”. So Seltenheitswert hat seinen Price: 750 Francs costs an Einzelzigarre. enjoy a taste of prototypes.

The name «Oro Blanco», zu Deutsch fell with «Weisses Gold», hat at Zigarren-Liebhaberinnen and -Liebhabern a special sound. Initially, the Basler Tabak-Unternehmen Oettinger Davidoff started, the Marke Davidoff was heard, before he made a product under that bezeichnung for a year.

In Saxony Seltenheit and Preis the war is relatively radical. The file comes from several years old tobacco butchers from the government of Santa Cruz de Mao in the Dominican Republic and a price of 500 Francs. The beginning of the beginning of the war can mean a change in the war, which will continue at a later time. Exemplarily limited.

New Sphären

Damit expected himself Davidoff in all new Sphären vor. The prices were completely on the market for the Sammlerstücke bezahlt, namentlich for sehr alte Kuba-Zigarren (Havannas).

Nun also followed the Neuauflage des white Goldes. Anyone who has Davidoff in the Donnerstag will encounter a new credit name “Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years” in the Laden in the Kürze.

At least 17 years long experience

Whoever trades the first ‘Oro Blanco’ is a Dominican Puro – also a native of Tabaken der Dominikaanse Republik gefertigte Zigarre. The manufacturer of Oettinger Davidoff started in that country, where the Unternehmen with 1,000 Rollerinnen and Rollern repair their Premium products for the Weltmarkt.

In Sachen Reifelagering, the new Super-Premium-Zigarre is new mass: Gemäss Medienmitteilung is “the Umblatt and all Einlagetabake jewels 17 years in spirit”. Zum Einsatz ends up on a Tobacco “den will not be used in a Davidoff Zigarre and in a certain area is used, that will no longer bewirtschaften”.

Erfahrenste Rollerinnen and Roller

Use the used tobacco as an alternative to 111 years old. “The Zigarre will now not be Master Roller Supervisors with a 20-year mindset,” Davidoff said.

Neue «Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years»: 10er-Box (left), Einzelzigarre (right). (Photo: Oettinger Davidoff, zVg)

The business operations in the Dominican Republic inhabited 15 terroirs, head of Marketing Chief Edward Simon. “Jedes dieser Terroirs brings Tatake with individual properties in Bezug auf Beschaffenheit, Intensität und Geschmack hervor.”

Price is a single one for 750 francs, it was still 50 percent of the first «Oro Blanco» of 2014.

Tasting of the prototypes There are prototypes of new models with a quick look at the market.

Anyone in the industry cannot find useless null series, nor the final Bauchbinde (Bandrolle), which is a cryptic-generic described product. Unser Testmodell heisst «Super Vintage May 2023», was written last, that it was rolled over in the years.

Heu and Honig

The first part of the Sinneseindrücke, the American Gestalt and the Geruch of never so long Zigarre, has the characteristic handwriting for Davidoff’s white binding weltweit and geschätzt wird: A beautiful, honest Deckblatt has perfect haptic properties – the Zigarre gib t beim sanften Druck between two fingers elegant night.

In der Nase said that one of the best combinations of Honig and Heu – is one of the features of the houses.

Wohlige Cremigkeit

Also, we know that: For the first time, the texture of the skin with a soft creaminess is good. Exciting moments are present, which is why I experience the aroma of the natural environment. The message has been removed from the «Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years» cousin. If you see a type of fruit or vegetable, in some cases the Gaumen is installed at the next Wechselpiel der Geschmäcker.

It is said that there is an interesting profile between bitter, spicy and nutty notes, which have become bald due to the enormous amount of food that would become very, was for the tension and breakdown.

Tropical Fruit

If the Drittel sells a lighter type of fruit, then the Fortschritt des Rauchens will be towards the tropical tropical jetty. I can imagine that the Zigarre is a problem with the powerful Geschmacksrichtungen gar nicht more weglegen.

Wir also stops the party: Die Neukreation is a fantastic Zigarre.

Prototype 600x300Prototype 600x300
Tasting of the Null series. (Photo:

If you have a gelungen, you can close them from the quality, while Davidoff is rudely empowered. No products have been produced that have a bearing paint, but the credit is one of the rarest products available. Davidoff owes this sorting of the Tobacco archive to his previous, long experiences with the Tabakbauern, Davidoff’s specialty and used by Saat.

Tausende Tobacco Sorts

The Agronomy Abteilung des Unternehmens in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, produces a Collaborative Databank with tausenden Sorten.

Now of course a man can ask the Frage, with the new Spitzen-Zigarre effectively effective, so it is good to drop a Dominican Puro with the “Davidoff Royal Release”, the man for 140 Francs for Stück can be.

Wert des Einzigartigen

The ant herb on this fragmentation is the best immunization of the sex of the generation that is linear in the Skala company. A finer country wine for 15 Francs has become a different art than a Spitzenjahrgang of the very best low castles for their hundreds or beautiful Francs.

So it is true that you will have to deal with the Zigarren. Some of the genera are located in the Zelebration des Besonderen. In Sachen, the Besonderheit the «Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years» has become expensive.

The new «Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years» from Davidoff will be launched on October 17, 2024 during Davidoff’s Australian sales at Davidoff Flagship-Stores worldwide throughout the year. Einführungsdaten and Verfügbarkeit can vary in each country.