
Dorfer-Vorpremiere im Innsbrucker Treibhaus –

Dorfer-Vorpremiere im Innsbrucker Treibhaus –

In eight of the eight Ein-Mann-Theater teilte der 62-Jährige dabei seine Gedanken mit dem Publikum – never more orderly, no longer humorous. Nur am Rande streifte Dorfer das Politische – etwa, indem er empfahl: “Machen Sie etwas, was Sie in der Wahlzelle nicht tun: Nachdenken.”

Alfred Dorfer


By the signal Mimik verleiht Dorfer signals Bemerkungen Tiefgang

Because he is aware of the fact that man often breeds vorgetragen and wild jumpers focuses on the effort through the hotel, the kind of Kabarettists is to ensure a good flight in the air. “My Körper is a work of art and art is the Zeit,” was part of a self-built Dorfer in the Innsbrucker Treibhaus and a stelle an.

Satirical comments on modern Entwicklungen

The Zeit and the Entwicklungen in ebendies are only if the Main motive is, that is the Abend-führte. In particular, comments on Dorfer’s satirical Entwicklungen der Moderne – von Work-Life-Balance (“Bei mir selbst finde ich das super, bei others bin ich more critical”), Tücken bei Zoom-Gesprächen and neumodidische “Plastikkarten” statt Schlüsseln im Hotel.

During the German tours, Dorfer was inspired by inspiration. If you are concerned with finding “spent his life in hotels”. So if you follow the Kabaretists on the Sinnsuche near Neuerungen with the ‘Plastikkarten’, they are automatically installed or cut from the Regenwald-duschen.

“That KI is very intelligent”

Immerhin habe die Moderne auch beeindruckende Seiten: “Die Künstliche Intelligenz kann jetzt Popsongs bereiben, die ich nicht von Others Popsongs unterscheiden”, witzelte der Wiener: “Aber was ist da eigentlich neu?” More often than not, that AI became “evidently a matter of being a Kabarettist, but one that is completely unknown.” Everything boils down to the fact that you get an undesirable answer: “That AI is a good learning experience.”

Ernste Worte has found a Zugabe

Politics is packaged in “GLEICH” and now sounds like criticism and extreme German language. So we always have more people who want “a Diktator” and “straight and left Gedankenscheiße”. A more serious Dorfer who zum Abschluss a Stelle a traditional Zugabe for the Publikum and erklärte, there courte, zumindest beim one or other Gedankenanstöße zu haben. Jedenfall’s empfinde is like “Zumutung”, that man is in the political “zwischen Verhetzern und Versagern entscheiden” müsse.

Begeisterter Applause vom Publikum

The strong moment that the program has appeared in another set: Everything through the mimicry power Dorfer on the first Blick observation brands Tiefgang zu verleihen. Nicht immer muss deutlich aussprochen zijn, was gemeint ist. Before everything was well lived with life, a Kabarettist was gilded as a Hauptaufgabe: unterhalten. Even when they use routine bravado, the Grimaces end up in the “Tanzbären” or a Sonnenblume mimt, other things, when they are grateful for an unexpected and absurd escape. The previous premiere audience received applause – and the village itself was the first to enjoy a goose journey in its own home, the Innsbruck Treibhaus.