
Swift überrascht Tafeln in Großbritannien mit Spende

Swift überrascht Tafeln in Großbritannien mit Spende

Taylor Swift has put an end to European history in his “Eras” Tour that has spent a table in the hinterland of Great Britain. The investments in the “big expenses” of the American Superstars are common in their country, the British Nachrichtenagent PA is in the Trussell food banks.

Demnach soll das Geld 1400 Tafeln in gesamten Land, played in the city of Edinburgh, Liverpool, Cardiff and London, in the Swift (“Shake It Off”) played in the summer. All in London’s Wembley Stadium have gone on the road eight times in the 34th century – that’s how often there is no one to enter a single Tour.

Those who spend the war will never win the war again. If you say: “Power is an unsatisfactory and experienced world that is different once you can play and play a role.”

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