
Mindestens 50 Tiger and Löwen in the zoo and Bird Group died

Mindestens 50 Tiger and Löwen in the zoo and Bird Group died

Alarm in Vietnamese zoos: Reports from August and September to 47 Tiger and three Löwen in two Tierparks after Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt in the south of the countries and the bird gripe is being stowed. Among the feathers we see for the first time that we are used to other babies, Vietnamese reports about a change in behavior. More than 30 minutes in Mango Garden Resort and in My Quynh Zoo you can contact the different levels. Bisher noted no respiratory symptoms.

Animal carcasses were sorely destroyed

Tests are very bad, but the Raubkatzen on the Influenza-A-Virus H5N1 are more common. The online broadcast “Tuoi Tre” could lead to further destruction, a further extension of the disease to the point of prevention. It is possible that there will be a meeting between the Authorities for Environmental Protection and the Centers for Social Control with the Police, Polizists and local Officials.

“Der Tod von 47 Tigern, drei Löwen und einem Panther im Rahmen des Vogelgrippeausbruchs in Vietnam is tragic en verdeutlicht die Risiken der Gefangenhaltung von Wildtieren”, teilte the Tierrechtsorganisation Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) mit. In its natural habitat, Tiger penetrates territories of 1,000 quadrat kilometers “in a spacious complex and dynamic environment, im scratching Gegensatz zur Gefangenschaft in kargen Gehegen in Zoos”.

Zoohaltung puts the tension and stress on the back burner, while this is not as possible in the wilderness. “The Ausbeutung von Wildtieren ends up with global human prosperity, indem that the Wahrscheinlichkeit gives rise to another pandemic,” said Peta.

Human infections are not recorded

The Economic and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has described the Zunahme von Vogelgrippe-Fällen in the Asian-Pazifik-Raum in July as an “alarming” bezeichnet. The bird flu or influenza epidemic that reclaims its grip on humans due to influenza A viruses, all the more due to other subtypes. Once the bulk of the Vogelgrippe-Welle documentary has been released, it is so quickly that an effort is made and European involvement arises.

An error has occurred across all Vögel. Manchmal infizieren sich aber säugetiere and in certain cases fall among people, zum Beispiel through intensive contact with infizierten Tieren. Human infections with the active wellness variations can now no longer be recorded. Experts warn that the virus is emerging and can spread from person to person.