
Transport and mental health: Neue Staffel der „Sesamstraße“ starts on October 7 | – Der NDR – Presse

Transport and mental health: Neue Staffel der „Sesamstraße“ starts on October 7 | – Der NDR – Presse

Status: 04.10.2024 10:34 am

Children’s games and fun experiences – that’s more than 50 years ago, the soul of children who love their memories of the NDR broadcast “Sesame Street”. On Montag, October 7, a new Staffel starts in Fernsehen, online and in the “Sesamstraße” App.

Provided Ernie, Bert and his wife attack Mitbewohnerinnen and Mitbewohner:
The large amount of Bär Samson is not left out with its fine sonorous Stimme, seiner Vorliebe für Hängematten and seiner beruhigenden Art from the “Sesame Road”. In the new song “Drück den Bär” the “Sesamstraßen” residents obtain, it is not so bad, a warm and familiar Umarmung von ihm. The fresh music video is not such a playful part of the theme ‘Mental Health’ and a fantastic premiere in the new Staffel.

The series „Live Actions“, also small Einspielfilms with children directly in the living environment, are included in the series under the theme „Movement“ and the title „1, 2, 3 … loosely conceived“: With Fortbewegung von A nach B – auf on the Schulweg, in the ÖPNV and on a Hafenfähre. These films are one of the best ways to watch films and entertain children: Der-offliche Naverkehr is certain and umweltfreundlich.

The first time the child sends a child is that he is new, optimizes Rollstuhl, part of the community of people with a job behind it. In the Musikvideo zum neuen Lied “Überraschung” met Elin von einem sprechenden Ball beim Rollstuhlbasketball überrascht.

When moderator and playwright Klaas Heufer-Umlauf discussed the “Sesame Road”, it was Elmo who was afraid of the cold weather.

Linear, in the ARD Mediathek and as an App

Following the “Sesame Road” takes approximately 7.45 hours in KiKA and until 6.00 am in NDR. All new issues of Sesamstraße have been published in the ARD Mediathek. The leader of the “Children and Families” leads directly into the Themenwelt of the “Sesame Road”. On the Sammelseite you will find children’s and erwachsene that are well-sighted. The zahlreichen videos are fun and entertaining for children in education and the whole family.

Direct access to “Sesamstraße” with this link:

Go to and in the „Sesamstraße“ app there is the option for the „Sesamestraße“ that you can paint.

The German Ausgabe der “Sesamstraße” lasts more than 50 years from the NDR in Hamburg in co-production with Sesame Workshop and is, as a matter of law, free and free of charge.

Photos can be found at zur Verfügung.

This is described with “Mental health”. “Hand in Hand for Norddeutschland”: Die NDR Benefizaktion Get rid of these years of struggle and for more peace and quiet in the Mittelpunkt – with the North German Civil Society as an action partner. Denn: Einsamkeit is seen through the combined community and through all Altersgruppen (Quelle: Einsamkeitsbarometer des Bundesfamilienministeriums). It is a big problem: Einsamkeit cann auf Dauer zrank machen – and wirkt itself auf the Gesellschaft aus. The following title of the beneficial results: Hand in Hand for Norddeutschland – but each time is shared. Auftakt von “Hand in Hand für Norddeutschland” is on December 2, Höhepunkt ist der Spendentag on December 13. More information about “Hand in Hand for Norddeutschland” online at

The new chef of NDR Radio PhilharmonicStanislav Kochanovsky, conductor at Sonntag, November 3, in Hannover dasjährige Benefizkonzert des Bundespräsidententhat is the project of prävention von Einsamkeit im Alter unterstützt. From 1988 onwards, the gains of the Bundespresidents were found in one of the states of the Bundesländer. Erlös die konzerte becomes a social or cultural project. The music and music players of the NDR Radio Philharmonic play an exciting range and a heart-warming and romantic program with works and songs by Hugo Wolf, Gustav Mahler and Hector Berlioz. The soloist is the baritone Christian Gerhaher – one of the singers in our Zeit. Moderiert with the Concert of the Journalist and Grimme-Preis-Trägerin Siham El-Maimouni. Tickets for the Benefizkonzert card are available at the NDR Ticketshop in Hannover (available online at

4. October 2024 / WN

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