
Sohn soll Schuss observations und Leiche foundationen haben

Sohn soll Schuss observations und Leiche foundationen haben

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Sohn soll Schuss observations und Leiche foundationen haben
Held some important posts in the power of Vladimir Putin: Konstantin Sawizenow (r.) was 50 years old. © IMAGO / ITAR-TASS, Telegram/@breakingmash

Another of Wladimir Putin’s unterstützer, Konstantin Sawizenow, has died. Before you can let your wife in on a secret, you’ve found her.

Moskau – In Russia we live without Oppositionelle gefährlich. Bekanntestes Beispiel ist der in those years in the Gefangenschaft a Leben kommene Kreml-Kritiker Alexej Nawalny. The guilt of the relatives of Wladimir Putin is always worthless.

Nun soll Konstantin Sawizenow is one of the people who found another on the Russian Entscheidungsträger spezialisierte Telegram-Kanal VChK-OGPU anyway those Online-Zeitungen Puree and Lenta to inform. We are proud of the former Minister for Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry in the current Volksrepublik Luhansk am Dienstag (1. October) with a Schusswunde im Kopf in a Moskauer Vorort aufgefunden.

Video: Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Matwijtschuk paints the Lage in der Ukraine

Putin-Association to: Sawizenow of seinem lessjährigen Sohn gefunden – Plane für nächsten Tag

When politicians eintrafen in the manor in the Bezirk Istrinsky in the West of the Hauptstadt, they continue to support the minor politicians of politics. If you spend more time solving the problems, this is a problem. Dem Jungen has to spend a while with Vodka and put his best foot forward. We will be happy for 50 years during your stay in the hotel. If the next morning a Jagdausflug-planted gewesen.

Der Sohn soll a seat and alcohol on a Tisch gefunden haben. If there is a firecracker, it is worth using a barrel of tannenbäumen. If there is no more registration, it continues.

Putin-Associated so that they are happy together: Children in both families visit their universities

It is an official function, which Sawizenow Suizid started with his hat. A woman who has immersed herself in her life is a dime who loves the divorce promotion. Zusammen sie four Söhne. Before you can do this, you may have a romantic encounter with another woman on your phone.

So if you intervene, Sawize now at 18 years old sees a second family hat, which is insulted, when he is officially appointed Geschäftsreise in the war in Nischni Nowgorod. You can study at the university that is the best sohn. Ob seine zweite Familie vom Doppelleben wusste, wird nicht erwähnt.

Putin-Verbündeter Sawizenow: Frau comes behind the secret of Geheimnis and will die Separation

Once the woman has left the Scheidung, she is bergab for Sawizenow. So we all took a critical look. Signals Ministerial posts in the affiliated region in eastern Ukraine have been announced, weil within the Kurzer Zeit Zehn Personen, with Danes his sister jobs, gestorben seien. This is the last time it’s a woman who has woolen wool.

A new job has been lost. Zuletzt soll is sich zurückzoet and them alcohol hinggeben haben. Before they conquer the Tagen, family and friends take a nachricht with their content “Auf Wiedersehen”.

General messages have never appeared before, but there is a good chance that nothing will go wrong. A message stattung has now been found, when the standard becomes a more incomprehensible brand sameness. If you are a person living an existing life or depression, contact the telephone company under the number: 0800-1110111. Hilfe calls the Krisendienst Psychiatry for Munich and Upper Bavaria under 0180-6553000. More information can be found on the website

Tod von Sawizenow: “The Mafia family is now a graduate of Putin”

Sawizenow combs the messages that appeared in the world of the world and work in the 1990s in the chemical and air industries. From 2003 to 2006, energy ministries and industry and energy ministries were created in Russia. Danach wechselte is mehrmals seinen Job, saß immer in Führungspositionen.

Another expert from Sawize, demnach at Rosenergoatom, is the part of the Atomenergie-Behörde Rosatom. These women are said to have helped Sergei Kirijenko while they were in charge of presidential elections under Putin for eight years. Später war Sawizenow bei Russlands größstem Energie-Unternehmen Inter RAO UES tätig, das Boris Kowaltschuk leitet. Dieser is the Sohn of Juri Kowaltschuk, the Verwalter of Putin’s Vermögen gilded.

Former Ukrainian rider Igor Sushko, the Ukrainian Krieg and Russian son of military action, wrote on Twitter about the Verstorbenen: “There was a war with the Kowaltschuk mafia family now that a Grad von Putin has developed.”

Zweifel ein Suizid-Theorie nach Tod von Putin-Verbündetem: Erinnerungen und frühere Fälle were waiting

Der Satz lässt Interpretationsspielraum. The Telegram Channel VChK-OGPU deutet zumindest Zweifel an der offizieellen Version an. This is what it means: “There is a difference between the two things and that it is not an issue.” It is said that “it is true, but one thing is true” abschied”.

It is always the case that women do not have to deal with the Zettel passenger, while the police have left the police. Allerdings weckt der Tod von Sawizenow Erinnerungen und wieder Verstorbene aus de Dunstkreis Putins.

So at the beginning of February, Iwan Setschin, now 35 years old, was the former Kremlin Chief of Staff who received the “Verdienstorden für das Vaterland” and took over his father Igor Setschin as Head of Service of the Russian Energiekonzerns Rosneft to become the most influential man in the Landes. There are many secrets that haunt young Mann’s mind.

The end of the year of überlife Wladimir Egorow, an Oligarch and Mitglied von Putin’s directorial representation Partei “Einiges Russland” a Fenstersturz from the drriten Stock nicht. On diesel we go to the oil manager Rawil Maganow and the advice bundle of Marina Yankina with Leben. Money was raised for General Wladimir Swiridow and Mrs Tatjana. Although the Todesval among the Oligarchs is such, Putin’s Ukraine-Krieg is criticized. (mg)