
List of the best Gemüse der Welt – kaum jemand kennt Platz 1

List of the best Gemüse der Welt – kaum jemand kennt Platz 1

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List of the best Gemüse der Welt – kaum jemand kennt Platz 1
One of the undisputed gems has landed on the list of the best Lebensmittel on Platz 1. © H. Tschanz-Hofmann/Imago

Dass Gemüse is healthy, white leather. Is it the best choice in the world? A study looked into this and said: Platz 1 is incomprehensible.

Dortmund – I am normally busy with a lebensmittel and a guttun. Deal with your problems and then you can do a simple headache yourself. Specific articles are offered on a long-term basis, while American-American Forscherin Jennifer Di Noia is hired.

List of the best Gemüse der Welt – kaum jemand kennt Platz 1

An analysis, which is in the magazine Preventing chronic diseases was made clear, which established a list of the popular Obst- en Gemüsesorten der Welt. You can call on the Brunnenkresse as one of the most important Spitzenreiters (more Garten-Themen at RUHR24).

This green Blattgemüse should not be like Spinat or Grünkohl, rather than with another high concentration that contains more substance for Calorie. Grundlegende for Bewertung for 17 years, the famous Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) and the Institute of Medicine are further impressed.

For 47 Lebensmittel there will be a supplement to the amount of vitamins containing vitamins A, C and K, such as minerals such as lime and requirements – per 100 calories entalten since. Brunnenkresse has reached the highest density and wants to use it as a “Powerhouse” (Kraftpaket) among the Gemüs ranges.

Gesündeste Lebensmittel der Welt: 5 Gemüsesorten on the first places

Neben der Brunnenkresse schafften is also four other Gemüssorten in the Top 5 of the most dust-free Lebensmittel. Here is the list of the siege:

  • Brunnenkresse: Rich in vitamins C and K, promotes immunity and immunity.
  • Chinakohl: A true all-rounder with Kalzium, which makes Knochen stand out.
  • Mangold: Fully packed with vitamins and antioxidants, intestines for Herz and Kreislauf.
  • Rote-Bete-Blätter: Much thrown away, that is, we can fill the substance with proteins and vitamin K.
  • Spinat: The belief and conviction that the Spinat Empire and the Eisen- and Volksäure history were no longer important for the Blutbildung ist.

Obst landet in Gesundheits-List more hinten: Nährstoffe since the present day available

There are three things that are sorted in the list of the dust-free lebensmittel, erdbeeren and orange. Zitronen contain a Nährstoffdichte score of 18.72 out of 29. Platz and glosses with a high vitamin C content.

At 31. Platz lies about faith, the vitamin C rich ballast substances are present. On square 33 you will find orange, the vitamin C is missing, there are many antioxidants and oils present.