
MÄRKTE EUROPA/Fester – Rezessionsorgen lassen nach US-Arbeitsmarktdaten nach | 04.10.24

MÄRKTE EUROPA/Fester – Rezessionsorgen lassen nach US-Arbeitsmarktdaten nach | 04.10.24

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)–The strong American trading market data has affected the European stock market with strong sales. The US Business purchased 254,000 new couples in September, which is actually more than 150,000. This is the job loss quote with 4.1 percent better than the forecast of 4.2 percent. “It is not possible for a Monatszahlen to be overloaded. After this message appears, the US-Wirtschaft will have a Rezession Steht,” said the Commerzbank. The market is quickly fully performing after the dating of a larger sentence of 50 basis points in November by the US Note Bank.

The anleger can be a taster. Make sure you don’t blame the Israeli government on Iran. The DAX receives 0.6 Prozent on 19,121 Punkte, for the Euro-Stoxx-50 it is 0.7 Prozent on 4,955 Punkte nach oben. The euro yields on the date of a loss and a field of 1.0961 dollars. The rendering is in progress. The oil prices are still sucking, but at the same time they are changing rapidly. Dennoch lag der Ölsektor mit plus 1.6 Prozent sehr gut im Markt.

The banking sector responded positively to the American trading market data and schloss with plus 1.7 Prozent and the Spitze der Branchengewinnen in Europe. The view of our little USZinssenkung in November die Stimmung stützte. Deutsche Bank is valued at 2.7 percent, Unicredit is valued at 3.0 percent or Societe Generale is valued at 2.7 percent.

The EU Mitgliedsstaat has stimulated more health for the Einführung of Ausgleichszöllen in the height of its intestines 35 Prozent für aus China importierte Elektroautos. A war that eliminates separation will yield an autoaktien of 1.5 Prozent. The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) has had a positive influence on the separation of the EU states. “The EU regulations on Chinese E-Cars are a major concern for European economic standards,” says DIW Chairman Marcel Fratzscher. “It was a fatal event, if the EU worked in the solar energy sector, Chinese products from the European market would appear on the market.” VW winnows 2.9 Prozent, BMW 1.8 Prozent or Continental 2.6 Prozent.

The region of the port workers and US East Coast has been established

The region of the port workers and the US East Coast has recently reached Ende. As an explosion of freight for exports is hindered, the activities of the profitable container shipping companies with Moeller-Maersk (-5.2%) and Hapag-Lloyd (-16%) are increasing slightly.

Redcare (+0.1%) has good health during the quarter period. The Muttergesellschaft behind the “Shop Apotheke” has strongly rediscovered the name Jefferies. Das Wachstum in Bereich der verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamente (Rx) in Deutschland lay in Septembervergleich on 108 Prozent.

Both Nebenwerten came into being Delivery Hero um 2.9 Prozent nach oben. Here Deutsche Bank finds the rate from 29 to 25 euros and JP Morgan from 43 to 37 euros.

Springer Nature hat has a gelungenes Börsendebüt hinged leg. The first prize is 24.00 euros and costs 1.50 euros above the price of 22.50 euros. The promotion costs 24.24 Euro from the Handel in the Freitag. With the new company, Springer Nature will optimize its financial structure in the debt mountain.


Index Schluss- Entwicklung Entwicklung Entwicklung

. are absolute in % seit

. Year beginning*

Euro-Stoxx-50 4,954.94 +33.61 +0.7% +9.6%

Stoxx-50 4,432.32 +15.50 +0.4% +8.3%

Stoxx-600 518.56 +2.27 +0.4% +8.3%

XETRA-DAX 19,120.93 +102.98 +0.6% +14.1%

FTSE-100 London 8,280.63 -1.89 -0.0% +7.1%

CAC-40 Paris 7,541.36 +63.58 +0.9% -0.0%

AEX Amsterdam 911.81 +1.46 +0.2% +15.9%

ATHEX-20 Athens 3,484.25 +53.34 +1.6% +11.6%

BEL-20 Brussels 4,290.90 +5.58 +0.1% +15.7%

BUX Budapest 73,411.75 +761.95 +1.0% +21.1%

OMXH-25 Helsinki 4,705.99 +37.04 +0.8% +3.4%

ISE NAT. 30 Istanbul 10,126.78 +239.48 +2.4% +26.3%

OMXC-20 Copenhagen 2,455.43 -5.84 -0.2% +7.5%

PSI 20 Lisbon 6,645.54 +1.73 +0.0% +3.9%

IBEX-35 Madrid 11,659.20 +41.20 +0.4% +15.4%

FTSE-MIB Postland 33,594.12 +424.09 +1.3% +9.3%

OBX Oslo 1,360.40 +12.75 +0.9% +14.0%

PX Prague 1,591.73 +1.40 +0.1% +12.6%

OMXS-30 Stockholm 2,603.79 +9.30 +0.4% +8.6%

WIG-20 Warsaw 2,291.53 +10.87 +0.5% -2.2%

ATX Vienna 3,609.24 +25.60 +0.7% +3.8%

SMI Zurich 11,997.09 -15.23 -0.1% +7.7%

*Concerned about Schlusskurs vom Vortag

DISCOVER Zuletzt +/- % FR, 8:02 Thu, 17:05 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.0961 -0.7% 1.1031 1.1016 -0.8%

EUR/JPY 162.97 +0.6% 161.15 161.57 +4.7%

EUR/CHF 0.9416 +0.1% 0.9385 0.9397 +1.5%

EUR/GBP 0.8362 -0.5% 0.8399 0.8406 -3.6%

USD/JPY 148.68 +1.2% 146.10 146.63 +5.5%

GBP/USD 1.3108 -0.1% 1.3134 1.3105 +3.0%

USD/CNH (offshore) 7.0968 +0.7% 7.0594 7.0493 -0.4%


BTC/USD 61,880.15 +1.7% 61,175.95 60,144.30 +42.1%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 74.82 73.71 +1.5% +1.11 +5.9%

Brent/ICE 78.44 77.62 +1.1% +0.82 +4.6%

GAS VT-Settlem. +/- €

Dutch TTF 40,755 39.75 +2.5% +1.01 +8.1%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,653.30 2,656.17 -0.1% -2.87 +28.7%

Silver (Stain) 32.48 32.10 +1.2% +0.38 +36.6%

Platinum (Spot) 998.17 995.50 +0.3% +2.67 +0.6%

Kupfer-Future 4.52 4.50 +0.5% +0.02 +14.5%

YTD cared about Schlussstand des Vortags


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 4, 2024 12:04 ET (16:04 GMT)