
Tausende demonstrates against Israel in Basel

Tausende demonstrates against Israel in Basel

Protesters hold banners and Palestinian flags during a rally in support of the Palestinian people in Basel, Switzerland, October 5, 2024. October 7, 2024 marks one year since Palestine...

Kurz vor de Jahrestag van Hamas-Massakers in Israel Tausende und een propalästinensische Kundgebung in Basel. Image: keystone

05.10.2024, 15:1005.10.2024, 18:51

About 4000 people live at the same time in Basel and the national propalästinensischen Kundgebung teilgenommen. The police voluntary Demonstrationszug vom Bahnhof SBB bis zum Kasernenareal in Kleinbasel verlief friedlich.

The Basel correspondent of the nachrichtenagent Keystone-SDA estimated for the Zahl of the Teilnehmenden at 4000. The Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt verkündete on the Social-Media-Plattform » Demonstrators and Demonstrators.

Zur Kundgebung aufgerufen hatte de Föderation Schweiz-Palästina. Der Aufruf Wurde von Rund Hundert Organisationen Mitunterzeichnet – von diverse Palästina-Komitees über Links-Parteien bis zu queer-feminist Bewegungen.

The various ways in which other people have a sofortige Waffenstillstand in Gazastreifen and in Lebanon, “Freedom and Self-determination for the Palästinensische Volk”, announce a economic sanction against Israel and the institution of the Swiss economy with Israel in the past.

Protesters hold banners and Palestinian flags during a rally in support of the Palestinian people in Basel, Switzerland, October 5, 2024. October 7, 2024 marks one year since Palestine...

The Kundgebung fand im De-Wette-Park at Bahnhof SBB statt.Image: keystone

Local Parolen

Wiederholt wurden Schlagworte wie «Apartheid», «Genozid», «Hands off Lebanon» en «Israel murderer (Israel Attentäter)». Auf Transparenten war unter Anderem auch der umstrittene Slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ will be a lesson often used by the people.

The demonstrations were fun until the end point on the Basler Kasernenareal-kurz after 4:30 pm baked, a police precher was the best Keystone-SDA best. The police work with small dialogue teams that keep the knowledge unnoticed in the background. (sda)

Angry at Israel


Angry at Israel

Tomorrow on October 7, 2023, the Hamas terrorist militia launched a major attack on citizens in Israel. It is about the great masses and the youth and the Jews who reach the end of the world war.

quelle: keystone / abir sultan

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It can’t be interesting:

After massive solar eruptions occurred in the first three months of October, a solar outburst was created. It is possible to see in Switzerland who the Erscheinen von Nordlichtern kommen.

From October 2024, one of the best Sonnenaktivität aus. On the Service Day and the Donnersdag, on 1. Beziehungsweise on 3. October, there are two massive eruptions on the Sonne. When the eruption becomes charged, a shock is created by the magnetic fields created by the sun.