
Gastronomy – Algeneis und Pistazienmilch: Berlin Food Week starts – Wirtschaft

Gastronomy – Algeneis und Pistazienmilch: Berlin Food Week starts – Wirtschaft

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Berlin Food Week is likely to show a new trend in the coming years. To the festival program, which starts on the Montag, you go to another market at the bikini Berlin with button 50 Ausstellern.

Am Freitag and Samstag wollen Start-ups from new product presentations – demands from Algen statt Sahne, Pistazienmilch or Kaffee ohne Bohnen. Daneben can also try other local Erzeugnisse.

Wine and French Snacks

Their Abschluss des Festivals am Sonntag Weine and kleine Köstlichkeiten aus Frankreich zum Feierabend were presented in 18 Berliner Restaurants. In a pop-up restaurant wollen Köche der Ankündigung zufolge “iconic Gerichte” zeitgemäß interpreters.

Zudem de Food Week with the Spanish Koch Ferran Adrià as Ehrengast. Since 62 years, the history of the history of the restaurant “elBulli” and the Catalan coastal cuisine, has been a part of the program for the “Einfluss der Catalanischen Haute-Cuisine auf de Gastronomie”.

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