
Neuer Generalmusikdirektor – Thielemann feert Starts in Staatsoper with Igor Levit – Kultur

Neuer Generalmusikdirektor – Thielemann feert Starts in Staatsoper with Igor Levit – Kultur

Berlin (dpa) – Christian Thielemann plays with star pianist Igor Levit in a concert with an official start as Generalmusikdirektor at the Berliner Staatsoper Unter den Linden. The program of the Antrittskonzerts on the Montag is one of the most important works for the high and spätromantik, which is a zeitgenössische stucco work, with the state opera center.

Levit interprets the Zweite Klavierkonzert des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847). On the program of the Konzerts of the Staatskapelle Berlin stehen zdem Arnold Schönberg’s (1874-1951) Tondichtung “Pelleas und Melisande” and “Elysium” by the Canadian composers Samy Moussa.

The 65-year-old Thielemann, the head chef of the Dresden Saxon State Chapel, followed Daniel Barenboim, whose postal health insurance policy must be abgebenste. Barenboim would zum Antrittskonzert am Montagabend in the Staatsoper erwartet, wie a sprecherin mitteilte. I think it is “the circumstances that comprise a good moment.”

A new concert with the program is planned in the Philharmonie on the service day (October 8).

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