
Demandeurs d’asile | Replacing force can be a “human situation”, by Legault

Demandeurs d’asile | Replacing force can be a “human situation”, by Legault

(Paris) Déménager les force des demandeurs d’asile présents en Québec peut se faire “humainement”, soutient François Legault, qui croit avoir l’appui de la majorité des Québécois.

Dans une entrevue accordée à La Presse At the time of his mission in Paris dimanche, the Prime Minister regretted the demand for déménagements that undermined the controversy that his proposals would bring to the soul of Québec.

« If you are aware of the opinions on the chronology and the parties of the opposition, you are sure that the majority of Québéco has entered into an agreement with the obligation of results, that the federal government will reduce the power over the name of the government claimants of asile au Québec », this is confirmed.

You persist and sign: if you continue to demand from the federal government (…) the transmission of 160,000 to 80,000 (demandeurs d’asile).

François Legault, Premier of Quebec

And when you arrive, “I want a mandatory approach, rather than a voluntary approach, a part that the voluntary approach no longer does”, by M. Legault.

A mandatory approach to the Charter of Rights and Freedom, even in Ottawa. Mais François Legault says it is possible to live with humanity.

“You think he’s an honest person. There are no problems with the federal government’s comments, but it may curb another celibacy requirement that comes from three months and a family that is more than three years, and it is. « It is a federal government that touches the façons. I chose Claire, out of only 160,000 asylum seekers in Québec. It is a problem of the problems of the services (public) and the problem of the French coast. You are convinced that the majority of Québéco has reached an agreement with several years. »

How much of certain provinces’ refusal to impose asylum requirements, “M. Trudeau’s problem”, is an answer. «Moi, you can’t think of any more solutions. » L’Alberta, Nouvelle-Ecosse and Nouveau-Brunswick are both recalcitrant, while Manitoba and Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador are open-minded.

3 objectives attention

François Legault considers exploring three objectives set for this mission in the last few days of Paris.


« About the demand for asylum, you will see that you can pay for most of the problems created with the explosion in the demand for asylum. And if you get the confirmation while you’re in France, then it’s a problem. It might be a good idea to move forward in Canada. Nous au Canada, we are going to make a decision (or not) three times in France, it has been about three years. Prime Minister Michel Barnier was for a long time happy that he regained control over the demand for asylum seekers in Europe. »

Plus the français dans le numérique

Surrounding the place du français dans l’univers numérique, «je voulais avoir une ouverture de la part de l’UNESCO et de l’OIF )Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie), et j’en ai eu de l’ overture. )Dans la déclaration de clôture du Sommet de l’OIF), il ya two paragraphes là-dessus, but on much more plus loin that is ça. Many things are negotiated with the large numbers, and it is what is asked. While attending the UNESCO recommendations that didn’t debut until 2025. You once chose UNESCO, which resulted in a concrete event that you negotiated with Spotify, Netflix and Autres. » At the invitation of the Government of Québec, the Ministers of Culture of the Etates and the members of the OIF government, return to Québec to honestly prepare the file.

Economic development

« You are very satisfied. Because French companies invest a lot of money in Québec, they will use their own electricity supply. The fact is that it is not available, but it confirms that it is the right direction with our plan for the doubling of Hydro-Québec » in terms of electricity production. During his mission, François Legault was a representative of the patrons of Alstom, Ubisoft, Thales and Safran.