
Reform in der Kritik: Die Bürgergeld-Märchen fliegen auf | Politics

Reform in der Kritik: Die Bürgergeld-Märchen fliegen auf | Politics

The citizen’s money is itself the Gemüter. Has the reform been separated?

Actually it is: The German Stütze-System is his work, while the employer is abroad, the Zahl der Bezieher will still stay longer.

And you can almost determine the direction yourself: Die Anreize, um vom Citizen money in work, since it is small. Then that will happen Bürgergeld-Empfängern 1000 Euro Prämie zahlenwhen there is a new Arbeit (and for a year).

If it is good: If a first step has been taken, a citizen’s fee for the transfer, then the reform cannot be good.

There is no question of an operation involving public money. First in March there will be more sanctions for total refusal, then in July a whole Bürgergeld-Paket in Rahmen der Wachstumsinitiative der Regierung (wird noch umgesetzt). Jetzt steht die Höhe of the new “Arsch-hoch-Prämie” festival: 1000 Euro.

The citizen’s money is so bad that the man is steadfast, it does not go well.

Citizen money in Check

BILD power over the Check. Is the reform hereditary?

▶︎The Cost Explodiers: The Ampel-Regierung rechnet internally with deutlich high Citizen Money costs, if they are open! Plötzlich fehlen 9.6 Billions Euro.

▶︎Die Zahl der Citizen money manager It’s been a year since the light rises and stagnates. The reform has been in Kraft since 2023. The effect can also be seen in itself.

▶︎Fast your second citizen payment in the country of Ausländer. Does the Bürgergeld also cover flight costs?

▶︎Der Job-Turbo voor Ukrainian zündet nicht. Part of the Federal Agency of Arbeit zu BILD: “Gegenüber February 2022 will contribute to social expenditure from 156,000 to 213,000 and to Minijobs from 45,000 to 53,000.” And for the Gesamtquote: “The Beschäftigungsquote von Ukrainian Staatsangehörigen was zletzt bei 29,4 Prozent.” I am compared to other Ländern ist das schwach.

▶︎Sanktionen für Totalverweigerer (beschloss die Ampel im März): Leader statistically cannot separate a man, because Sanktionen and Totalverweigerer or other Bürgergeldbezieher were spoken. Aber: The Jobcenter-Mitarbeiterin Renate Schwimmer (58, name geändert) said about new Bürgergeld: “Man can make things, if man wants, that is the case.” Schlecht!

Labor market expert Holger Schäfer (IW Köln) at BILD: “The criticism that arose with the introduction of citizen funds has been well addressed.” Real .”