
Bribery is such an ugly word – Aussiefan70

Bribery is such an ugly word – Aussiefan70

“Hey Bluey,” Tony approached, one hand behind his back, and the best coaxing voice he had at the ready.

“Yes, Tony person?” Bluey didn’t budge an inch, despite being very curious about what the officer was hiding.

The duo was in the conference room reviewing cases, waiting for Garcia to arrive. So Tony decided to take the opportunity to ask the rest of the BAU team to help make his pitch.

Spencer, once again demonstrating that he was not nearly as oblivious to group dynamics as strangers often thought, immediately threw up his hands and denied any role in the shenanigans to come. “I don’t know anything about what’s going to happen, Bluey,” he smiled reassuringly, with a strong undertone of self-preservation. Although that image was somewhat dispelled with his next words: “But I think I’ll stay and watch the carnage!”

Bluey, who had been sitting on Emily’s lap enjoying some nice chest scratches, took one look at the BAU’s newest agent, narrowed his eyes (Channeling Hotch again) and asked in a disapproving tone, “What did you you done now, Tony… person? And what are you hiding?”

“Weeeellll…you know how you sent birthday wishes to Cutsycat last week? I just found out we have another special birthday this weekend.”

“Uh, uh. Go on…and would someone please kick the Tony person’s ass so we can see how deep a hole he can dig, please?’

JJ hissed softly and then just sank back in her chair. Becoming invisible seemed like a really good idea after hearing the tone in Bluey’s voice.

“Didn’t I suggest you go back to your normal gorillagrams?” Oh, Tony thought, there was that hard, raised eyebrow of Hotch’s again.

Tony took a deep sip and gathered all his courage and continued, “Hey, it’s funny you say that because I found something while surfing the internet on our last trip back on the plane…”

Deciding on discretion was the greater part of courage; he quickly switched to the main topic. “You see, Sunday is our writer’s birthday. And don’t you think she deserves the best in birthday greetings? Just think where we would be without her? It would be like Sherlock Holmes without the literary efforts of Arthur Conan Doyle to document his cases.”

“And…?” It didn’t make that dismissive feline tone any less terrifying.

“Well…I had a great idea!” Tony started, but was interrupted by Dave’s not-so-subtle comment about “Idiot idea more likely!”

After giving his good friend and teammate a not nearly as intimidating look as undisputed champions Hotch and Bluey could, he continued, “It’s getting close to Halloween and you mentioned the idea of ​​a gorillagram, so I decided to see if they made gorillagrams.” fits your size!” Tony proudly swung his arm from behind his back to show off a purple and pink banana gorilla outfit that looked like it would fit Bluey for size.

Fortunately, Tony, showing off his athletic prowess, was able to toss the suit into Morgan’s safe hands before fleeing the conference room as if he were a quarterback about to be sacked, Bluey hot on his heels. He took refuge in Dave’s office as the entire floor was subjected to Bluey’s outraged screams.

It took thirty minutes to calm the cat down, and Tony was on edge the entire time. It had been Penelope who had come to the rescue after watching the chaos via video link from her office.

She managed to get Bluey to step away from Dave’s door and back into the conference room. It easily took another five or six minutes of silence before Tony was brave enough to crack the door and find out if he needed the Hostage Rescue Team to help him escape.

He crawled back down the balcony to the conference room, with his eyes and ears on the dial. He gently knocked on the door and waited for someone from the team to open it, happy to see JJ who was the least likely to tease him.

Tony entered the room cautiously, unsure of his welcome. But he soon found himself reaching for a chair to sit in before passing out (even though DiNozzo didn’t). Because there, in the middle of the conference table, was Bluey, literally preening, in the gorilla outfit.


“Tony person, please try to use words and sentences!” Bluey’s command contained more than a hint of sarcasm.

“But you almost killed me because half an hour ago I suggested you deliver birthday wishes like a gorillagram!” Tony managed this sentence with minimal spluttering.

Penelope interjected at this point, “Oh well, you just have to know how to ask right.”

“You bribed our emotional support cat again with the shrimp and cheese twists, didn’t you.” He turned to Bluey and accused, “And you let her.” He was now trying to get to the bottom of this.

Garcia just shrugged while Bluey looked nonchalant. Penny spoke for both of them when she responded, “Depending on how you ask, my vanilla hunk.” Bluey shrugged and seemed to say, “What she said.”

Dave repeated his comment from the week before and spoke the fateful word: “Beaten!” again. Spencer leaned over to Morgan sitting next to him and boldly asked the question no one else would dare ask, “Which one?”

The team burst into laughter at that point, before it was interrupted by a raised ginger paw.

“I suppose now that I’m all dressed up for the occasion, we should send our birthday wishes. Aussiefan70, happy birthday and thank you for being our Arthur Conan Doyle. We want to share more of our stories.”

The team repeated the birthday wishes and then returned to the case they had all gathered to review. Meanwhile, Bluey strolled into a corner behind the team and quietly tore up the costume. This was definitely his first and last outing dressed as a gorilla. A few minutes later, he was doing team rounds and listening intently to the case JJ and Penelope presented. It was time to get back to work.

Bluey stand-in used in this photo because the boy in question threatened to destroy any photographic evidence of him dressed as a gorilla.

Bribery is such an ugly word – Aussiefan70