
“Die Spielerin” – Die Wichtigkeit, unterschätzt zu zijn

“Die Spielerin” – Die Wichtigkeit, unterschätzt zu zijn

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“Die Spielerin” – Die Wichtigkeit, unterschätzt zu zijn
Isabelle Lehn. © Jasmin Zwick

Men and women in Berufsleben: Isabelle Lehn’s great Finanzwelt-Roman “Die Spielerin”.

The best books describing the literature are best listed on this page. A post about a blog or a blog. The journalist and author Sandro Mattioli found the online article in 2018 “Wollte die Mafia ddp buy?” The power is in the bankruptcy of the nachrichtenagent 2013 on the previous mission with a windy investor-brandsam. Vermittelt has a message in the ddp telephone exchange: Martina N..

It was clear that Martina N. died in the war before the war and died in the position of her financial service providers, while she was still a large part of the people, was the man with the mafia community. As Telefonistin war – in Italian it is spoken – the Tarnung-tätig and a new einzufädeln are fully displayed.

Martina Ns Rolle war damals, so Mattioli, offenbar schwer unterschätzt be – the Anknüpfungspunkt for Isabelle Lehns grand constructions, their Leben nachgebauten, dieses aber in Literatur transformierenden Novel “Die Spielerin”. If nothing happens to anyone from the American governments in the books and leans on an elegant criticism, it is even just a Trumpf in the hindquarters, it is so nice to know how the man with hair über A. thinks. That silent Fleißmaus. That’s As Recipe. If it’s a postcard, the power isn’t that great. The plattitüde of the Waffen is a woman who fills the leak of “Die Spielerin” with new facets.

Here you can also see A.. Lehn’s design structure is so thorough, which is a spectacular introduction, but it is also not really surprising. I am of the opinion that the first entry in the Rückblick ermessen is: Dass A. wenigstens kurz for ihrer Festnahme ein eeninziges Mal alles, alles erzählen and erklaren wolllte, einem armed Jungen im Hotel, der das nicht verstehen word, aber egal. When it’s time to leave the Bahnhof’s Zeitpunkt, it’s worth determining what happened. “Die Spielerin” was a beautiful film, in addition to a film, to accompany the book that so often became more striking. Sandra Hüller can play an A., the man standing on the head is everything and even worse.

The headline comes to a better damit sour truth, that A. zwar is the Zentrum des Geschehens, “Die Spielerin” sich that Zentrum is selected and immersed in the rest of the time. Einiges is über ihre (behütetete, citizenliche, een Spur kleinebürgerliche) Herkunft en ihren (academischen, in de bedrohliche, beinharte, ungemütliche Bankenwelt führenden) Werdegang zu erfahren, aber zu Wort kommen vor allem de man um sie hererum. The problems that arose, it was not possible to be passive at all.

“Something has to happen if it’s right,” he thinks, “it’s not like I have a weld. The verzeiht is not true.“ Schöner is unhindered Selbstüberhebung nicht auszudrücken. Unterschätzt zu zijn, ist As „Superkraft“, heißt es später, and then again, the chefs are very heavy to find: „but they are überschätzte sich fast“.

Das Buch:

Isabelle Lehn: Die Spielerin. Roman. S. Fischer, Frankfurt 2024. 272 ​​​​S., 25 euros.

A journalist – one of the journalists and journalists was nervous – reports that a portrait was inzwischen for the purpose that A. schreiben wants. There is a nervous feeling, no matter how long it takes, who is the Konferenz with a sensible Allgemeinplätzen übers Schreiben aufhält. I don’t know if this is here. Aber der Menschendurchschauer hat bei A. immerhin een Lehrmeisterin gefunden: “Look at A. and see it now itself.”

“Die Spielerin” is a woman who is a Roman ruler (in the financial world) and how they see the world. And whoever is just, very quiet, quiet, but not silent A. black in his concept of the world, he is a passenger. If you don’t, this isn’t the case.

A. has a good job in the Haifischbecken der Banken. If it was difficult, here was the power, the power is not final. „The whole thing was a great theater“, it is a cheap Morning Meeting Ritual, and: „We won the game, we were in the low war, the distance between the person, who darstellte there, and the Elend, that ich dahinter concealed, with the great Leichtigkeit zu überbrücken.”

A. beißt sich conzentriert and zäh durch. When it happens it’s more noticeable when the man says something about it, when it’s over it’s not so noticeable. If you say that Computer-Updates (which you don’t know about) greatly increases the high quality of editing, you will probably end up in your office and start searching. The bare power is for the students, but the trauma is not the result of the gratitude I gained in the office. Dann is in the chef, if he has done that, he will get his work completely out of the fragment, but it is not possible to turn the computer on the highest setting. A. said that he had a total debt, demütig, entgegenkommend. Sehr? “If you have fear, you have to cope with it.” Aber der Chef is happy, so you can be sure that you can look at the same time as possible. A. is a game, a good thing. If you solve a problem and the men don’t do it anymore, and it’s not that it’s not safe.

If you tie the knot, in the time that the jumper makes the jump, the construction is heard on the history, the safety, with the sie ich the crime scenes Core of the history afterward. The mafia’s discretion seems to be coming into their picture a bit, recognizing – themselves specialists in Sachen are a talent – of talent. Lehn starts with a beef flug in a melanesic Steuerparadies. If you paint, who A. allmählich den Unterschied zischen “legally” and “legitimately” rewards. „With the years we are always more aware, even with our own selves.“ It is the „Schokoladenseite der Selbstprivilegierung, wo Regeln nur nur überligten“.

“Die Spielerin” is a feminine feminist novel. Frauen play in As Bankenwelt kaum eine Rolle. An extremely bad banker, who then has a very big problem, can create a peripheral figure, the complete and completely composed company of A. The players play in the treasure, a zum Zug to come. Lehn must serve his Geschichte kühl en auf Abstand. Psychologically, man can now be a very troubled man, and the turmoil. „Die Spielerin“ has yielded a moral or moral handlungsanweisung.