
Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

After a consolidation phase, which brought the Allianz action (ISIN: DE0008404005) to 244 euros from 2.4. After the agreement on 27.9.24, a new price was paid for 297.30 euros, which means that he starts the new trading week for 292 euros.

Weighing the long-awaited positive results of the analysis of the experts of the analysis houses Jefferies & Company at a rate of 310 euros per hour Kaufempfehlung for the Allianz Action. If the Allianz promotion takes place the following week, it will cost only 305 euros, long products will be produced that will be broken down.

Call options with Strike from 295 Euro

The Morgan Stanley Call Options scheme on the Allianz-Aktie with Basic Price 295 Euro, Bewertungstag 20.12.24, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000MB5ZYW2, was traded at Allianz-Aktienkurs of 292 Euro with 0.88 – 0.89 Euro.

If you receive the agreement within a period of 1.40 Euro (+57 Prozent) on a scaffolding, you will receive a purchase amount of 305 Euro.

Open End Turbo-Call with basic price and KO market for 280,516 Euro

The UBS Open End Turbo-Call on the Allianz Promotion with basic price and KO Mark for 280.516 Euro, BV 0.1, ISIN: DE000UP0BU79, was priced for Allianz-Kurs from 292 Euro with 1.20 – 1.21 Euro taxiing .

If the Allianz-Action waits for 305 Euro in the next period, then the inner value of Turbo-Calls will be at 2.44 Euro (+102 Prozent) – if the Allianz-Action no longer falls on the KO-Markt or Darunter .

Open End Turbo-Call with basic price and KO market for 275,263 Euro

The BNP Paribas Open End Turbo Call on the Allianz Promotion with basic price and KO Market for 275,263 Euro, BV 0.1, ISIN:
DE000PG66961, was worth 292 Euro with Allianz-Kurs with 1.76 – 1.77 Euro quote.

At an Allianz promotion price of 305 Euro, the inner value of Turbo-Calls is found for 2.97 Euro (+68 Prozent).

This Beitrag sets the small Empfehlung zum Kauf or Verkauf of Allianz-Aktien or of Hebel products on Allianz-Aktien dar. No Haftung übernommen is possible for the direction of the data.

Walter Kozubek