
Holzbau-Start-up with Upper Austria-Bezug receives 100 million euros

Holzbau-Start-up with Upper Austria-Bezug receives 100 million euros

Best and new investors trust the Geschäftsmodell von Gropyus with Holz-Hybrid-Mehrfamilienhäusern, the start-up schlüsselfertig with one hand sweet. About 100 Million Euros will be spent on investors, including the Portuguese Investment Holding Semapa and the US Fund for Pracitical Venture Capital.

After receiving a €40 million loan from the European Investment Bank, large companies may have entered the market.

“The living space and living space have become increasingly larger. With the help of our technology, we have a significant impact on the living space and living space,” said Markus Fuhrmann, Mitgründer and Unternehmenschef. After all, there is no “higher capital gain”. If the financing of its own capital investments results in an amount of more than 300 million euros.

Standort in Steinhaus

Fuhrmann, from the Essenslieferdienst Lieferheld/Delivery Hero großkrachte, gründete Gropyus mit Mitstreitern 2019. Das Unternehmen hat Standorte in Wien, Berlin, Richen in Baden-Württemberg and in Steinhaus in Bezirk Wels-Land.

Das Geld uses Gropyus now for further Expansion. The digitally controlled work with 50 robots in Richen is being expanded, the new technology, the next construction projects are being transformed. Bis Jahresende soll der Ausbau des Werks in Richen abgeschlossen sein. Then Gropyus laut eigenen Angaben in der Lage, a Wall and Deck element in your beef will take 16 minutes. The annual production capacity is located in more than 3500 homes.

Derzeit laufen more Projekte in Deutschland, Darrunter eines in Berlin with 27 Wohneinheiten and eines in Immendingen in Baden-Württemberg with 99 Wohneinheiten.


Martin Roithner

Editor Wirtschaft

Martin Roithner

Martin Roithner


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