
More Finanzbildung von Familien: Wirtschaftsweise schlagen “Children’s start money” in Aktienfonds for

More Finanzbildung von Familien: Wirtschaftsweise schlagen “Children’s start money” in Aktienfonds for

More Finanzbildung van Familien
Wirtschaftsweise schlagen “Children’s starting money” in Aktienfonds vor

The German fremdeln bekanntermaßen mit de Kapitalmarkt. The intention is that the financial sector will receive a state-financed child start-up money for: Zehn Euro in Monat für jedes Kind ab sechs jahren, which Eltern can outsource the Fund.

The Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft hat een Staatlich finanziertes Kinderstartgeld vorgeschlagen: Der Staat soll für Kinder ab sechs Year monatlich etwa zehn Euro in een Aktienfonds einzahlen – solange, bis si 18 Years alt since. Then the first time the “zweckbindung” is performed, which is the nice Wirtschaftsweisen-erklärten. The State costs 1.5 billion euros in one year.

The children’s start-up money is “a part of the capital market that is anchored in the future and experienced for a long time with the expansion of history and the return technology for the broad development of the future”, argumentation for the transfer of the company’s corporate structure. In the years that they offer children and their children “financial loans and provide some of the opportunities, more profit is made”.

“Invisible core element” is a diversification fund with a high degree of activation. It is possible that the horizontal horizon is a “solid representation with a low degree of risk”. You can also outsource a fund for your child or your child after the best possible criticism.

The Wirtschaftsweise Ulrike Malmendier erläuterte: “The bisherigen Finanzbildungprogramma is no longer in Deutschland, weniger zur Stärkung der Finanzkompetenz in der Bevölkerung beigetragen as erhofft.” Otherwise as great mother soul of the old children’s starting money financed by learning the economy of the future – anstatt auf theoretical Wissen. Where children enter the children’s programme, the children’s seed money can end up in Eltern’s financial company, so that the capital can be used for fewer children.

A Bezug von Kindergeld linked

The Wirtschaftsweisen schlagen voor, the Kinderstartgeld and the Bezug von Kindergeld zu knüpfen. A smaller monatlicher Beitrag genüge, concrete ten sie – das Programm solle “nicht in erster Linie dem Powersaufbau serve”. When an “active” anlagentscheidung takes place, the investments in a fund with a hundred percent action can fly, so the previous one. At 18. The children’s birthday will never happen again.

A “political policy influence on programs and debts” and an alternative financing strategy for the end of the financing phase can further develop the financing of the children’s start money on the financial sector, because the Wirtschaftsweisen are further continued. Doing this “interprets” the course and ensures creditworthiness.