
Medizin Nobel Prize receives a Gene Regulations Scientist Gary Ruvkun

The Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded a year later to the legal scientist Gary Ruvkun and his colleague Victor Ambros. You will have to carry out the development of the microRNA and your role in generation regulation. Das teilte das Karolinska-Institut in Stockholm mit.

Both Forscher have discovered a fundamental principle of the control of the Genaktivität, this is it. »Ihre bahnbrechende Entdeckung offenbarte a completely new Prinzip der Genregulierung, das ich als wesentlich für mehrzellige Organismen, inschließlich des Menschen, erwies”, so the Nobel Committee in the blessing understanding. MicroRNAs are a legend that influence the functioning and functioning of organisms.

The information contained in the chromosomes can be displayed with a user interface for all members of the Körpers. Jede Zelle has used diesel engines from Chromosomes and damn dense Satz von Genen. Different types of zells that have mussel and grain zells have their own unique properties.

Mechanisms of gene regulation

The game mechanism of generation regulation plays a role, as Ruvkun and Ambros describe.

Gary Ruvkun (born 1952) is a member of Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts General Hospital, Victor Ambros (born 1953) of the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

The best Auszeichnung for Mediziner is who I am with 11 million Swedish crowns (970,000 euros) worth. You will see that you are half and that they are both Forscher.

Müde roads Zeitverschiebung

Ruvkun must first come out of the Bett, he is a Auszeichnung foutahren hat – der other white möglicherweise noch nichts von seinem Glück. “I was able to wake up Gary Ruvkun,” said Thomas Perlmann, the Secretary of the Nobel Society of the Karolinska Institutes, at the Preisbekanntgabe in Stockholm.

Bei Ruvkun hatte Perlmann trotz der Zeitverschiebung Glück mit seinem Anruf. »His fraud is a long way and has been a long time ago, that is a phone call. There sounds like something new,” says Perlmann.

If the preisträger has a problem, it becomes a problem, it is a good thing and a good thing for his wife, who is still a woman who has spread wool, like Perlmann.

Weissman and Kariko

I will die for a year in the unwanted biochemist Katalin Karikó and the American immunologist Drew Weissman at the Medizin Nobel Prize for his care for developing sogenannter mRNA-Impfstoffe against Corona-bekommen.

If you take up the pace of impfstoffentwicklung with your current time, it is one of the larger beds for human prosperity in modern times beige, which makes the Karolinska-Institut as good as possible.

Since 1901, 227 people have received the Medizin Nobel Prize, with 13 women. Mit Ruvkun is 60 der Preisträger Jews.

The first Medizin Nobel Prize went to the German bacteriologists Emil Adolf von Behring for his treatment of diphtheria. 1995 was the first and twin born as the German woman Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard die Auszeichnung für ihre Arbeit zur genetic control of the embryonic embryonic development.

Feierliche Vergabe

The Nobel Prize Reigen started with the Medizin Prize. The service and the glove were used for the treatment of physics and chemical preises. This is the history of literature and of Frieden. The Reihe der Bekanntgaben ends up at the Montag with the Swiss Reichsbank that receives sogenannten Wirtschafts-Nobelpreis.

The feierliche Vergabe aller Auszeichnungen finds traditionsgemäß at 10. This month, the Todestag of the Preiststifters Alfred Nobel. The achievements of the Donnerstag were the success of the alternative Nobel Prize for the Right Livelihood Foundation. dpa/yes