
In Taiwan, funkgeräte angeblich mit Sprengstoff bestückt were restored

In Taiwan, funkgeräte angeblich mit Sprengstoff bestückt were restored

Chinese military factory in Taiwan – Rede von Präsident as Anlass

Montag, October 7, 12.05 pm: Chinese factory is a military factory in Taiwan. Information for the Grossmanover could signal an important speech by Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te on October 10. Read more here.

In Taiwan, funkgeräte angeblich mit Sprengstoff bestückt were restored

Mittwoch, September 18, 6:42 am: In Lebanon explodieren zeitgleich Hunderte Funkempfänger. Angeblich wurden si von Israeli Agenten op de Lieferweg abgefangen and mit Sprengstoff vershen. Israel’s Feinde drohen mit Vergeltung.

The explosive funkempfänger were media reports prepared by Israeli agents with Sprengstoff. If we have written a love story, the Hisbollah has reported informational credits in the day the ‘Wall Street Journal’ reports. Israeli agents have been labeled in Taiwan from 25 to 50 grams for the Ankunft in Lebanon and with jewelry, reports from the “New York Times” about American messages and other interests, which are informed about the operational information.

In unruhigen Gewässern: Marine durchfährt die Taiwanstraße

3.50 pm: There is a Chinese protest going on from the German Navy with the sea in yet another catfish in China and Taiwan. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius spoke in Berlin about his rights, but the international community was not bothered by his usefulness. One of the American rulers in Germany, who looks at international law, “keine notifizierungen foutorderlich since, that man is free to duchfahren kann, and genau das machen wir gerade.”

Search online positions in the Frigate “Baden-Württemberg” and the einsatzgruppenversorger “Frankfurt am Main” in the following Taiwanstraße. The Marineschiffe were on the Way of South Korea in Manila in the Philippines.

Pistorius: “If we are international, we are also happy.”

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has demonstrated his theme. “The response to Schiffen’s Passage was not very good. It is an international Wasserstraße,” which included one of the press conferences in Berlin with Kenyan President William Samoei Ruto.

Make sure Pistorius has the best route. “A signal is one of the most likely things, the fact is that it is becoming more and more common: Internationale Gewässer since Internationale Gewässer,” says er. “This is the best way. There is a war going on over the Wetterlage of the safest road, and an international body of water, which also goes through time.“ There is a war for a world in the Indopazifik-Raum-en route, a regional partner that has a stiffened equipment and throws the international Schutz rule over itself.

When the Frage, in China about the world informed by the war, uttered a word in the ministeriums: “That was not so long ago.” It became a free sea route and justice was freely administered.

American soldiers warn Beijing against “failed” actions in South China

Mittwoch, September 11, 9:47 am: The US has left China for “gefährlichen” actions in southern China. More warned. Samuel Paparo, the chief of US command for the Indian government, has served in a video telephony with the Chinese army Wu Yanan, who has carried out a continuous communication between the US army and the Chinese army, which the US army undertakes. There is talk of a conversation with Wu about China’s “unique interaction with American treaties” in the latest Zeit.

It is your first time trading. Art. Paparo appealed to the US-Angaben zufolge an Chinas Armee, “ihren Einsatz gefährlicher, Zwangs- en potenziell eskalierender Taktiken im Südchinesischen Meer and dat uber hinaus zu überdenken”.

Beijing spoke with a look at the video telephony of Wu and Paparo with a “good mealtime”. Both soldiers discussed the “Fragen von common Interest”.

Pazifisches Inselforum lehnt von Beijing geforderten Ausschluss Taiwans ab

Samstag, August 31, 9:30 am: The Pacific Inselforum (PIF) has developed a wider range of Taiwanese formats and is written in a critical manner in Beijing. “It’s a matter of time, that’s not a consensus,” says the Chinese Gesandte Qian Bo after a Gipfeltreffen of the Inselforums in Tonga during the free time for journalists. It seems that you are not the Abschlusserklärung of the Treffens trade, the “Fehler” müsse became corrected, foreword Qian.

Taiwan was given the status of an “Entwicklungspartners” since 1993 on the forum of the 18th page. Chinese Forderungen, Taiwan can have the Gipfeltreffen auszuschließen, thereteilten the Mitglieder beihrem Meet in Tonga an Absage. Nur de Solomon, China’s main partner in South Africa, talks about Taiwan’s partner status.

Taiwan has geschickt a stellvertretenden of the Minister Tien Chung-kwang of the Gipfel in Tonga, one of the decisions taken in the Pazifik states.

The PIF is spared in the states, diplomatic relations in Beijing are inactive and alone, the Taipei works as one of the Marshall Islands, Palau and Tuvalu. After the Chinese Chinese Gesandten Qian started in the Mehrzahl: “Von de 18 Mitgliedern des Pazifikinselforums unterhalten 15 Länder diplomatic Beziehungen zu China,” said Qian. It does not come to Ausdruck in the Abschlusserklärung.

Read more about Conflict between China and Taiwan here.